How to warm muscles

How to warm muscles

That the training was painless for your organism and yielded good result, it is necessary to warm muscles at first properly. For this purpose there is no set of exercises as everyone is selected depending on with what muscles you will work. However the general principles of the warming up nevertheless are.


1. It is very important to don't pass the warming up stage. Thanks to it the body is prepared for exercise stresses: in the organism the blood circulation improves, the elasticity of muscles, ligaments and concentration increases, the speed of metabolic processes increases.

2. To warm muscles of the back, the breast and hands, slowly execute turns of the head and side trunk bendings. After that link wrist lock grips behind the back and several times try to lift them as it is possible above.

3. Then clasp with the palm of the right hand the shoulder of the left hand and pull it on yourself so that the shoulder appeared at you on the breast, and the palm of the left hand – behind the back. Change the hand and repeat exercise. Execute circular arms swings at fast pace.

4. For the warming up of muscles of legs make 10 squats. After that execute lunges on one leg, exposing it before themselves. Then put legs slightly more widely than shoulders, and link hands behind the head. Sit down on one leg, having transferred to it all the weight, then slowly transfer weight to other leg. And at last, just walk so that yours of the foot reached buttocks.

5. After that start the next stage of the warming up. It is in performing all exercises of the training from 30% loading. Thus, you will prepare those muscles which you will train. If you were going to run, just begin to run very slowly, gradually accelerating. And at power trainings put small weight on the apparatus.

6. You watch the pulse during the warming up of muscles – it has to become more frequent several times, otherwise the effect won't be. It is also important that before the training you began to sweat.

7. Give to the warming up of muscles no more than 20 minutes, otherwise on the loading and duration she will begin to remind the training. And it won't bring due effect as your organism will be tired much quicker.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
