Uneasiness in psychology

Uneasiness in psychology

Constant nervousness for relatives, experiences for the life and the future, chronic fear and representation of awful consequences of each act. Life in such mode brings sufferings not only to the owner, but also all who surround it. A condition of uneasiness and mental tension – a scourge of modern society. Almost every second resident suffers from this illness. Mass media constantly provoke all new surges in nervousness in soul of people, and the question how to remove uneasiness does not lose the relevance. But whether it is possible to cope with this illness independently? Let's try to understand this difficult business.

Uneasiness and ways of its correction

Uneasiness is a term which in psychology means reaction of the person to the events arising in surrounding or in it internally the world. It can be nervousness of spouses the friend for the friend, experiences of mother for the children, etc. But if the situation at which there was a feeling of experience came to the end long ago, and the feeling of nervousness does not pass, then the speech begins to go about such concept as chronic uneasiness. What reasons of uneasiness of a such type?

This state can be caused by the following factors:

  • loss of the family;
  • divorce;
  • serious illness of friends and family;
  • overstrain at work and various stresses;
  • lack of stability in life (financial, social, etc.);
  • the physical or psychological injuries endured in the past;
  • increased feeling of responsibility for and for family.

Consequences of a chronic condition of uneasiness, as a rule, are unfavourable. The condition of constant tension results in difficulties in work of nervous system and over time can turn into such psychological and psychosomatic frustration as headaches, neurosises, chronic fatigue, insomnia, a depression, attacks of panic and developing of phobias. To get rid of similar complications extremely difficult and to do without intervention of medicine and psychotherapy it will hardly be possible. Therefore, at emergence of long and sometimes causeless feeling of concern it is worth thinking how to get rid of uneasiness.

How to treat uneasiness by own efforts?

As to reduce uneasiness and tension at an initial stage it is possible by own efforts, we offer several ways of the solution of this problem:

  1. Management of the thoughts. Each person has "world map", i.e. that image of surrounding reality which is created in consciousness. In the power of the person there are practically all thoughts and to get rid of excess experiences, it is necessary at least to cease to scroll awful scenes which can occur with the person and his relatives in the head. For this purpose it is necessary to direct the attention to something positive, to cease to watch news, frames of accidents and criminal plots. It is important to create around himself a positive information field without bad thoughts and negative experiences.
  2. Great way of how to overcome uneasiness is replacement of the awful images arising in the head on their positive prototypes. It is for this purpose important to remember any pleasant moments from life. That time when the person felt absolutely quiet and happy. Every time when tension and nervousness begins to overcome consciousness again, it is necessary to switch to pleasant memories and images.
  3. To resolve an issue how to cope with uneasiness also the 3D equipment - visions helps. In other words it is a way to consider a situation which causes nervousness from the different parties. The person suffering from uneasiness needs to present the situation the uncle Petya's eyes from the next entrance, to try to see, kind of the starving children as it would look reacted to it, living it in Africa, etc. It is also possible to ask itself questions: whether this event will matter in 5 years, two years, next day, etc.

Many ask a question whether there is remedy for uneasiness? The official medicine did not think up yet means which would help to get rid of this feeling without direct and sometimes negative impact on mentality. Numerous psychotropic drugs quash feeling of alarm, but do not eradicate the reason of its emergence. However how to remove uneasiness traditional medicine has some councils. For example, helps to reduce nervousness and excessive tension the weakening bathtub with ginger and baking soda, almond milk with nutmeg, ginger and a saffron and orange juice. Also, to prevent emergence of uneasiness it is possible to do sometimes oil massage and to use meditation.


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
