From unrequited love nobody is insured. Nobody will be able precisely to tell why it occurs, but at least each man has undivided feeling once. To find a way how to experience unrequited love with the minimum pain, we will address councils of psychologists. According to experts tendency too sharply to experience undivided feelings women are more inclined, but also often it is necessary men not easy in such situation.
How to experience unrequited love?
To find the answer and to find out an algorithm of specific actions for the answer to a question how to cease to suffer from unrequited love, not easy. For this purpose at first it is necessary to try to be discharged, abstract with feelings, and to simply include logic.
At one-way love, it is kind of contradictory it did not seem, there are pluses. Well it is admissible, you achieved reciprocity, nobody can give guarantees that the relations have a future. If soberly to assess a situation, then it is simple to understand that the disappointment in an object of the passion shortly is felt by most of men.
Deciding how to get rid of unrequited love, pay attention to councils of psychologists:
- Accept a situation as a certainty. Reconcile to not separation of the feeling and understand that a problem in you. Having got rid of the internal conflict, you will be able quietly how to live further.
- You do not blame the girl that she does not love you. It is not productive to pass from love for hatred as it does not save you from feeling, and only changes its orientation. At the same time it continues to torment you.
- Send the attention and energy to other course. Sublimation of unrequited love is one of the most effective ways to distract from persuasive states. Many men are helped by extreme sports and powerful physical activities – rock-climbing, riding, hand gliding, parachuting, power trainings. Intellectual loadings are not less effective.
Experience of other people is often very indicative. It is useful to realize that many also faced this problem, worried and found a way out of it. Watch such movies about unrequited love:
- 500 days of summer;
- Love mood;
- Unrequited love.
The last council – do not try to please the unloving woman you. It is also inefficient, as well as hatred to it.