How to make a declaration of love each other

How to make a declaration of love each other

In happy family the relatives do not stint expression of feelings to each other. But sometimes spouses forget to speak about love. And as there is a wish to be convinced once again that you are still loved and to feel in the center of attention.

How to estimate its feelings

How to estimate its feelings

Of course, the woman is auditory, but words - sometimes the most not informative means in assessment of its feelings. Interrogations "And you love me?" are not always appropriate and besides, very much irritate men. For understanding of its attitude towards you there are ways more reliable and imperceptible.

How to improve the relations with the help of the Argentina tango

How to improve the relations with the help of the Argentina tango

Thanks to the Argentina tango the lovers can improve considerably the relations and solve a set of the problems arising in their couple. It becomes possible as such dance learns to listen to the partner, to show consideration for his requirements and desires, to seek to guess them. However that is not all: the Argentina tango lets the man and the woman an opportunity well know and experience the roles and also to learn to keep balance in couple.

How to keep love when you build career

How to keep love when you build career

To keep cordial relations with the soulmate at the loaded operating schedule, it is necessary at least one day a week to devote to joint rest. Also not superfluous invitations to office parties and unexpected surprises will be ringing during the day.

Help of the Argentina tango in strengthening of the relations

Help of the Argentina tango in strengthening of the relations

The Argentina tango is first of all psychological dance which teaches the man and the woman to feel and understand each other without words. Thanks to it people reveal, learn to trust each other. However, alas, some dancers, in particular beginners, pay too much attention to movements, concentrate on performance of steps and at the same time absolutely forget about the partner. Teachers of the Argentina tango will teach you to avoid such mistakes.