How to get rid of affection for the person?

How to get rid of affection for the person?

Strongly it is, actually, necessary to become attached to the person not so a lot of time. Especially, if this person appears to such relatives, such "yours". But the relations is very difficult thing. It is a lot of forces, patience and trust it is necessary at first to construct the relations, and then to support them. And not all couples manage it. But if to suspend relations, it seems, as it is easy, then here what to do with attachment? It quite often remains all same strong. How to get rid of affection for the person and to cease to torment itself with thoughts of the past?

How to get rid of irritability and nervousness?

How to get rid of irritability and nervousness?

The feeling of irritability is familiar to each of us. This psychological state is an integral part of human life. However if this feeling arises even in the most insignificant occasions, then it tells about a problem with nervous system therefore it is worth thinking how to learn to control the anger and to cope with irritability.

How to get rid of fear and alarm?

How to get rid of fear and alarm?

Life in the modern world forces people to have more often stresses which provoke emergence of various fears – from quite concrete to inexplicable. At first the person becomes disturbing and sad, and then there can be insomnia, irritability and other problems. It is worth thinking of how to get rid of fear and alarm when these feelings did not do big harm yet – so, the earlier, the better.