Strong back – the key to success practically in any power sport. Performing function of the framework, it assumes the main loadings and at occupations powerlifting, and during the wrestling fights. Besides, the direct back is also sign of health. And the basis of the healthy and direct back is made by long muscles.
1. Long muscles on an equal basis with short make two types of deep muscles of the back. The human body has three types long muscles: belt muscles of the neck and head, razgibatel of the backbone and cross and awned. Each of these types has the direct appointment. So belt muscles help to move to the head and the neck, cross and awned carries out extension of upper parts of the backbone, and also its spin. At last, the razgibatel of the backbone – the longest and strong back muscle.
2. Several types of trainings are suitable for strengthening of these muscles of the back at once: weight exercises (exercise machine, the post, dumbbells) and exercises without burdenings. Weight exercises have to be the prevailing component in the list of trainings for those who strengthen long muscles of the back. It is the best of all to carry out them in gym with the corresponding equipment, and also in the presence of secure of partners.
3. Those who successfully cope with the post can try the following exercises: Bendings with the post lying. For this purpose receive horizontal position on the bench facedown. Assign the post to the head. Carry out bendings down (the place of the bend – the waist) with return to home, horizontal position.
4. Bendings with the post sitting. The key difference from the previous exercise that here you shouldn't lie and sits on the bench, carrying out bendings down, to hips. At the same time elbows have to touch knees.
5. Costing bendings with the post. In this case you hold the vertical position (it is necessary to stand on props). The post is in the bent hands at the level of the breast this time. Bendings carry out down, at the same time hands become straight, lowering the post.
6. Those to whom dumbbells are closer can advise the following exercises. – costing the home position, dumbbells are in the hands extended up. At the body tilt towards hand knees with apparatuses pass between legs.
7. It is possible to fix similar exercises by the training without burdenings including various types of push-ups.