On the way to top of a divine state or How to reach a samadha

On the way to top of a divine state or How to reach a samadha

The meditation purposes for each person who is engaged in it can be different. Some like a condition of tranquility, detachment from surrounding, connection with a microcosm. Others thus simply relax, for example, after unlucky day. Someone through meditations seeks to develop the hidden talents — clairvoyance, telepathy and other ekstrasensorny abilities.

One of types of meditation is samadh which in the Buddhism and Hinduism means achievement of a condition of an enlightenment. What is samadh what it is necessary for and as it to reach — we will consider in this article.

That it and what it is necessary for

In translation from Sanskrit of samadha means concentration, integrity, perfection. Achievement of this state is the yoga purpose. Admirers yogis consider that stay in samadh cures a body and soul, wholly discloses abilities of the person, both intellectual, and mental. In such state the feeling of identity is lost, sides between the external and internal worlds are erased.

Whether you know? The yoga is used for physical and spiritual training of representatives of extreme professions — rescuers, intelligence agents and even astronauts.

Samadh are the eighth, the last, a step of a noble octal way behind which there comes nirvana. The enlightenment is considered an inexhaustible source of clarity and purity — a so-called condition of Sat-Chit-Ananda. You should not consider this state a certain analog of loss of consciousness, ecstasy or a trance. It is more correct to understand samadh as achievement of such point behind which there is no consciousness. The enlightenment gives consciousness on the highest level where there is no need for mental activity, and it is exempted from the physical basis.

Who can reach?

Any person, regardless of age and the social status can reach an enlightenment. There is enough only desire and will to bring the aspirations to a logical conclusion. The Samadha is not a subject, it cannot be got, but be able to manage to learn each yogi renunciation of the existing consciousness. Feature of such state which, at everything to it aspiration, sudden, is lack of any restrictions for capable to comprehend it.

Important! This knowledge is not sectarianism, it is not the confidential equipment, do not teach it in widespread understanding of the word doctrine.

The enlightenment is comprehended only at the correct treatment — the commitment to excellence of spirit is a major factor for going beyond traditional understanding of yoga as applied ritual.

Movement on a way

The noble octal way which is also called in the median way — one of the basic concepts of the Buddhism. All its steps there have to pass sufferers of self-knowledge to waken and stop the sufferings. The true nature of surrounding is learned through a victory over evil, thirst and ignorance — three of these defects operate not brightened up. The octal way consists of three divisions: wisdom, morality and concentration.

Wisdom. Consists of two steps of a way — the correct view and the correct aspirations. These stages help to find necessary understanding and the right direction of the thoughts.

Morality. Three ways according to the principles of morality help to find the necessary bases of communication and situation in society. These ways can be defined in brief so:

  • Tell the truth;
  • Behave correctly;
  • Live on canons.

If the first two ways are clear, then canons of life can vary in various interpretations. Generally, violations of canons can be presented in such form:

  • human trafficking (slavery, prostitution);
  • traffic in weapons (production, sale, use);
  • meat purveyances (murder of living beings);
  • production of poisons;
  • production and sale of alcohol and drugs.

Whether you know? The yoga practiced and B.C. — archaeological researches allowed to find drawings with yogas on the seals to which nearly five thousand years.

Concentration. Actually, this word also is the most close translation of a concept of a samadha therefore the last three steps of an octal way pass by achievement of this state. Three last steps to an enlightenment and a possibility of transition to nirvana are available only gone through the previous stages of self-renunciation:

  1. Correctness of efforts. Practicing yoga has to apply all the forces for renunciation of any malignancy — both in thoughts, and in actions. At the same time the released energy is put to the help to and people around. Such actions should not cause any difficulties, they pass easily and easy. The correct effort does not cause negative thoughts, and, in case of their emergence, eliminates them, will transform to positive intellectual efforts and supports such states.
  2. Correctness of mindfulness. It is necessary to watch the thoughts, memory and understanding of reality constantly. Control of a condition of mind and a body will help to maintain attentiveness and discretion.
  3. Correctness of concentration. It is also a part of a samadha when the attention of the person concentrates on a certain subject or an event that allows to plunge into meditative similarity of a trance completely. Such state is called dzhkhana. To enter a dzhkhana, it is necessary to overcome five obstacles.

Conditions for emergence

Approach of a condition of a samadha requires only one condition, two-piece. Short description of these components it: disappearance of identification with reason of human essence and a certain eclipse (or a stop) reason, let and on a small interval of time. The duality of the nature of such phenomenon does unimportant an order of alternation of conditions.

In this case meditation is not pointless and not abstract, and accurately is associated with reason, understanding its activity, identifying it with itself. At the same time it is necessary to constrain itself in thought process, not to allow to think, roughly speaking, to disconnect a brain.

Achievement methods

The average uninitiated person considers yoga either a type of physical education, or a useless waste of time. People simply do not know what spiritual foundation is laid in this doctrine. And through opening of opportunities of a body it is possible to come also to studying the hidden potential of power of the person what meditation significantly helps with. Samadh perhaps only by means of meditation and what techniques to apply and what types of an enlightenment at the same time to reach, solve only to the one who practices yoga.

For effective meditation use mantras, namely: Ohm, Har, Shanti, Ganesha, Mahajana


There are two slow methods of achievement of an enlightenment which use the orthodox yogas considering themselves followers of ancient traditions. The way of Hatha yoga (work with the help of a body) is an acceptance of poses (asanas) at the expense of which there is an opening of various channels and centers. Long and persistent practice leads to their clarification and awakening.

Approximately in a year later began to awaken perhaps occupations Hatha yoga the powerful energy dozing in each person named by Kundalini. This energy often brings out of a samadha that is essential minus of this slow method. Increase and the subsequent decrease in Kundalini brings sincere sufferings from parting with so desired condition of an enlightenment.

The second slow method is the rajah-yogi (concentration). This way consists in meditations for many years when practicing seeks to develop ability to concentrate in one direction. At achievement of the goal of meditation of people can reach temporary separation from corporal and information on it, entering a condition of a samadha.

For achievement embroider extents of meditation, also use such types of yoga as: Ayengara, yoga-dance Mandala, Bhakti yoga, prana yoga, Fly yoga, akroyoga, Atma Kriya of the Yogi, Kriyya-yoga


Methods of slow achievement not always approach. In the modern world the life flows with absolutely other speed, and many people have no time to be engaged in concentration or meditation in an asana for many years. For them there are also fast ways of achievement of the goal — also rather initial.

By fast methods it is possible to reach an enlightenment at ability of operational separation from surrounding. Types of fast comprehension of a samadha can be such:

  • to forget the previous object of reflections and to concentrate on a pause before judgment of the following object;
  • to draw a hidden line between the previous judgment and future;
  • to try to think of what is between thoughts;
  • to feel bezmysly before falling asleep and right after awakening;
  • to meditate on emptiness (on nothing);
  • monotonous repetitions or inaction (swimming, run, walking, reading, letter);
  • it is simple to stop thinking of himself and of surrounding.

The enlightenment moments at judgment of ways of achievement of the above methods are known.

Samadha stages

The description of a condition of a samadha can differ as this highest spiritual achievement is comprehended only through own identity therefore is exclusive for everyone.

Important! To subject an enlightenment though it is possible for some classification only conditionally, distinguishing extent of renunciation both of an object, and from the subject.


This state is connected with objective feeling, that is, there are reflections about some object or a subject. Such reflections correspond only to the lowest step of a samadha. In such stage objects are easily associated and felt as objects and as something having a name. Achievement of this step of an enlightenment is the right direction on the way to an ultimate goal.


The objective binding to feeling or subject at a nivitarka remains accurate, and here a concept about it and also its name, do not matter any more. It is only the object which is not tied to something at all. About it there are no reflections, it it is simple to eat.


Object ceases to exist as a certain whole. In the previous stages in integrity there were no doubts, now to the forefront there is an understanding that an object in general exists. In savikara-pradzhnya it is meant that it consists of parts which together form it. It is called tanmatry: material aspect of objects which corresponds to their feelings — taste, visibility, touch, a smell, hearing.


The next stage of self-knowledge is the feeling that an object exists out of space and time frames — he on itself. That is, besides loss of understanding of integrity of an object, there occurs rejection of its materiality.

Asampradzhnyata Samadhi (Nirvikalpa-samadhi)

This state differently is called a nirvikalpa - it is the highest condition of a samadha at which superconsciousness is shown. The previous stages allowed to plunge into pleasure, but they not completely cut a binding between subjective and objective. More likely, they were preparatory stages to an enlightenment. Now all processes of judgment stopped, and time, causal and spatial frames ceased to exist. It is considered that in such state there is an association of the subject and Space Consciousness.

Manifestation in modern society

In present conditions of a samadha does not introduce in life practicing yoga of any global changes. Nobody will make all ordinary duties instead of you therefore a print on a way of life of occupation can make only indirect — perhaps, you will watch a little differently much prophetic. Something, being considered as earlier rather important, will be empty. And, on the contrary, what was not estimated before properly will suddenly be filled with new sense.

The brightened-up person can be the same owner of the property, but now he can understand the purpose of this possession, develop in itself(himself) compassionate instincts, helping not only to the relatives, but also all living beings. There are no limit and postulates, and there are an experience and councils of grown wise. Trying to go this way, everyone will find the footpath to comprehension of a samadha.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
