Answers to the question of why muscles hurt, can be a little. Unpleasant feelings are caused by injuries, damages and also excessive loadings. To deal with pain type, it is necessary to differentiate the reasons of its emergence.
1. Each person including far from sports trainings faced painful feelings in muscles during certain periods of life. Even usual household affairs at which muscles receive loading not peculiar to them can lead to pains. It is connected with the inactive lifestyle and it is especially brightly shown during the spring period when people begin to come out on the nature or to the dacha. Here also it becomes clear that the simplest cleaning leads to the fact that next day it is just impossible to be unbent. The best way of prevention of pain are regular exercise stresses.
2. After the training, muscles even hurt the trained athletes. It is caused by education in them the lactic acid appearing at the training as a result of reduction of muscle fibers. Pain passes after loadings stop and blood begins to wash away acid from muscles. As during the trainings the blood circulation amplifies, the best way of fight against muscular pain is not the condition of rest, but active trainings what painful they wouldn't be. Among athletes there is the opinion that muscular pain says that the training brings benefit. If similar feelings are absent, then it will be possible to build muscles or to lose excess weight hardly.
3. There is the concept of the late pain developing next day or every other day after the received loading. It is connected with the fact that muscles didn't get used to it therefore degree of intensity of painful feelings depends on as far as muscles aren't trained. Already in few weeks after the beginning of trainings the late pain becomes minimum and begins to bring satisfaction as demonstrates that the training took place successfully. However when changing the training of pain in muscles arise again because degree of loading and the zone of its application changes.