As it is necessary to change water in an aquarium

As it is necessary to change water in an aquarium

If you decided to get an aquarium with small fishes, then are simply obliged to know how to look after living creatures, to clean an aquarium and to change water. Its state is also important for fish, as well as quality of the inhaled air for the person. The main mistake of the beginning fans of aquariums is that they do not know how it is correct to change water and in what quantity.

It is required to you

  • - siphon with a nozzle;
  • - additives for neutralization of hazardous substances;
  • - gauze or grid.


1. Your main objective at care for an aquarium is to support stable temperature condition and the chemical composition of water, that is biological balance. The formulation "change of water" is capable to bring beginners into a certain delusion, it is possible to think that water should be drained completely from an aquarium and to fill in fresh. Do not do anything similar.

2. Before starting replacement of a part of water in an aquarium, think of cleaning of walls and soil. Using a special nozzle in the form of a siphon, drain from ten to twenty percent of water from an aquarium. In the absence of a siphon the water drain is made through a plastic tube of small diameter (one-one and a half centimeters). Put on a gauze or a grid that there accidentally did not tighten small fishes the end of a tube.

3. Use cold water from under the crane which is recommended to be defended previously in the open glass or enameled ware within two-three days. Do not use at all warm water as it contains a large amount of the harmful impurity undesirable to health of fishes. To facilitate process of replacement of water in an aquarium, it is possible to buy in pet-shop special additives for neutralization of hazardous substances. Such additives will allow you to change water in an aquarium without preliminary upholding.

4. If you regularly change water, honestly look after the aquarium and use special coal, probability of emergence of emergency situations (at which full replacement of water is required) almost zero. But if suddenly water begins to blossom and slime (so-called fungus) appears, to you not to avoid full replacement of water. This measure is radical, but in turn helps to save water inhabitants from death.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
