By sight a kitten his belonging to a certain breed, appearance of his parents, conditions in which there passed the first days and weeks of life of the kid can influence. However irrespective of breed, signs of health are identical to all kittens – nothing not ill kitten has to look strong, active and well-groomed.
1. Hair of a healthy kitten – clean, brilliant, on it neither koltun, nor bald spots should not be noticeable. If roundish sites on which wool looks cut off are noticeable and the reddish, slightly inflamed or grayish, covered with small scales skin is seen – the kitten is sick cutting it is deprived.
2. If to run a hand in the direction against wool, it is possible to consider skin of a kitten. On it there should not be no sores, having combed, black dots – symptoms of skin diseases and parasites.
3. Gums and a mucous membrane of a mouth at a healthy kitten clean, light pink color, without sores and the inflamed sites, teeth – white and sharp. By 6-8 weeks at kittens all milk teeth are cut. The period of change of milk teeth with constants proceeds on average from 3 to 7 months therefore the four-months kitten can have an incomplete set of teeth. Pigmentary spots in the sky and gums meet at some cats is not sign of the desease, but the normal phenomenon.
4. Eyes have to be clean and clear, without films and allocations. A small amount of brownish allocations in corners of eyes is typical for cats of ploskomordy breeds (Persian, ekzot). The red, watering eyes with obvious traces of purulent or mucous allocations, the dropping-out third eyelid (thin membrane) – signs of an illness.
5. Excessive leanness and the sticking-out edges, as well as the blown-up stomach, speak about improper feeding of a kitten – it or is malnourished, or he is fed with improper food from which disorder of a stomach and intestines begins. Even at just eaten kitten a stomach soft if he reminds a drum and touches to it are obviously unpleasant to an animal – the kid either is infected with helminths, or suffers from intestines swelling.
6. Ears at healthy kittens clean, without any allocations. Brown allocations in an auricle speak about infection with an ear tick.
7. The anus has to be clean, without signs of inflammations, blood or signs of a diarrhea. If the kitten tries to scratch back pass, fidgeting on a floor, it can be symptom of infection with worms or any disease of intestines.
8. Healthy kittens are active and playful, vividly react to sounds, move freely, without limping and without being filled up sideways. Of course, and phlegmatic persons and idlers occur among kittens, however obvious apathy, lack of interest in games have to guard. The kitten can be a little sluggish if he just ate or did not manage to wake up yet, usually healthy animals are curious, move much. If the kitten is sick, he can shout, worry stridently, cannot find any peace literally – to lay down and at once to rise, turn on the place.
9. Disproportionate addition, zaloma on a tail, the wrong bite speak not so much about a kitten illness how many about violation of purity of breed.