How to distinguish a female of a rabbit

How to distinguish a female of a rabbit

Addressing for the first time to pet-shop for acquisition of a fluffy small krolchonk, many do not think of what gender of the kid. And, having asked the employee of shop, you do not receive the intelligible and correct answer. Even those who are familiar with sex determination at rabbits, often are that make mistakes as it is possible to define with 100 percentage probability only at adult individuals.

It is required to you


1. To define a sex at least approximately, it is enough to pay the attention to appearance of the kid-krolchonka. In days of lifekrolchatmale very first there is less women's. At the same time they have wider head. All other morphological features at such tender age are not so strongly expressed. For this purpose it is necessary to wait for the minimum twenty-day age more likely to judge his sex.

2. After 20 days since the birth for definition of a female or a male it is necessary to take a rabbit in the left hand and to put it on a back. Then, holding his head a ring finger and a little finger, it is necessary to delay thumbs a thin skin between back pads down in that place where genitals have to be located.

3. Look at genitals. At males the genital is presented in the form of an opening which is located far from an anus, at a samochka is much closer in an anus and has an appearance of an oblong crack (so-called loop) directed towards a tail.

4. For sex determination of more adult individual the procedure repeats. The rabbit is picked up, overturned a stomach up (it is desirable to do it together as it will be very difficult to hold an adult rabbit) and pressed two fingers of a hand on a paunch of a rabbit in the field of arrangement of genitals from two parties. At a female of a rabbit, as well as earlier, vulvar lips are visible in the form of a loop, at the same time it is necessary to remove a little a tail down, and at males the genital in the form of a small tubule with an opening leaves a leather bag and is bared.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
