Happens so that in the house there is an animal, and the relations with it well do not develop in any way. And so there is a wish that the new family member became you the loyal friend! Let's try to understand as it is possible to improve the relations with a dog.
Be dobrozhelatelnyzhivotny surprisingly thinly feel yours to them the relation. Therefore if you feel to a dog hostility (or fear), she, most likely, will understand it and will begin to answer the same. Even if you do not love dogs, do not look at an animal, as at the enemy or a source of eternal troubles. Find in it positive sides, for example, devotion. Gradually you will manage to get used to a dog, the main thing – treat her in general kindly: do not punish how much in vain, do not humiliate, you do not shout, and, certainly, do not let loose a hands (however, and legs too). Similar actions will never dispose to you an animal.
Punishment? Only deserved.
Even if the puppy "naprudivshy" in a corridor, also deserves just punishment, do not hurry to catch for a slipper to otkhlestat a disobedient small animal. You remember: the animal can not understand some things, for example, that it is forbidden to spoil in not put places. And cruel punishments easily injure its mentality, and unless in such a way it is possible to achieve love and trust? Try softer ways: classical "faugh", "terrible" eyes, an easy slap (but do not hurt a dog, just let it know that she did wrong), ignoring during two-three of hours.
Play! Many dogs adore playing, rushing down the street behind a ball or a stick, to overcome various obstacles. It is necessary to go outside daily that the dog could celebrate the needs of nature. However sometimes, if time allows, it is possible to arrange also entertaining walks. They will give pleasure to both a dog, and the owner. Take a ball on the street, play a hide-and-seek, go to the forest – there are a lot of the most various games which will please an animal and will help you to win over it. And finally one more common truth: if you sincerely wish to make friends with an animal, then everything at you surely will turn out. Over time in response to the good attitude you get both love, and devotion, will find the true, loyal friend acting through a dog.