How to remove udder hypostasis at a cow

How to remove udder hypostasis at a cow

Hypostasis of an udder can be observed at violation of porosity of blood vessels and the slowed-down outflow of a lymph in fabrics. In most cases this state is characteristic of cows before childbirth or in the first days after an otel. Toxicosis at pregnancy can provoke udder hypostasis, diseases of kidneys or heart of an animal.


1. At a cow it is possible to refer its painless increase in volume to the main symptoms of hypostasis of an udder. In most cases body temperature is a little lower than norm, its local increase, as a rule, is not observed. On an udder integument when pressing deepenings remain finger-tips for a long time. In a secret at the same time no deviations are found. The tension of skin which is accurately expressed that increases risk of its damage. Severe hypostasis of an udder can provoke mastitis, complicate milking process.

2. Most often insignificant hypostases within 5-7 days after the delivery pass and do not assume special treatment. If this process takes rather serious form, it is necessary to exclude (or at least to reduce) from a cow diet juicy forages, concentrates and table salt. It is necessary to feed her during this period with hay of high quality. Water consumption has to be limited. It is recommended to melt a cow to 8 times a day.

3. At stagnant hypostasis of an udder it is necessary to take measures for prevention of possible injuries of edematous fabrics. The cow cannot be let in the general herd with other animals. At the same time it is necessary to make with her walks on 1 hour 3-4 times a day.

4. It is recommended to carry out light massage of an udder in the direction from below up. At the same time it is not necessary to apply the irritating ointments and liniment. At hypostasis they are contraindicated. In case hypostasis came before childbirth, the cow should be melted several times a day.

5. Therapy at hypostasis of an udder has to be aimed at restoration lympho- and blood circulations, reduction of interstitial pressure. These objectives are achieved by a frequent sdaivaniye and performing massage towards the udder basis of a cow. The sick animal can enter intravenously 100−150 ml of 10% solution of calcium of chloride or a gluconate of calcium. Heart drug - 10−20 ml of 20% caffeine of benzoate is hypodermically injected. Hypostasis will resolve quicker if to do poultices of hay dust and warm ukutyvaniye.

6. At strongly drooped udder it is recommended to tie up it a nadvymyannik or the supporting bandage. The good effect at hypostasis gives rubbing in of antiedematous and anti-inflammatory Rigefen ointment. In combination with the general and local treatment it is possible to apply laxatives of average salts (magnesia, salt Karlovy Vary, castor oil), the diuretic infusions or broths (from juniper berries, buds of a birch, horsetail field) distracting rubbing in around a croup, extremities, a breast.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
