To treat cystitis at a cat, also as well as at the person, it is necessary under observation of the doctor-veterinarian. The course of treatment needs to be controlled ultrasonography and analyses of urine. Proceeding from the obtained data to adjust a rate of medicines. Further, in order to avoid a recurrence, it is necessary to carry out prevention of developing of a disease regularly.
It is required to you
- - visit to the doctor;
- - Ultrasonography of a bladder and kidneys;
- - the analysis of urine the general (it is possible to pass a research on sterility of urine - crops on flora);
- - antibiotics;
- - vitamins;
- - diet.
1. Address to specialized institution where the animal will be examined by the doctor-veterinarian. The expert will appoint additional researches (ultrasonography of a bladder and kidneys for definition of the reason - identification of stones and inflammation), the general analysis of urine, crops of urine to flora, for an exception of the bacteriological nature of inflammation and selection of the most optimum antibiotic for treatment. Only after obtaining all results start the registered therapy course.
2. Do not break the mode of intake of medicines if it is required, you enter drugs intravenously (the doctor will establish an intravenous catheter). Application of an antibiotic is obligatory (for example, ampicillin on 0:25 g on 1/4 tablets three times a day within ten days, together with it cistone, on 1/4 tablets two times a day, or kanefron, to the discretion of the attending physician). If it is required, then the animal needs to be hospitalized in a hospital for several days where to it will carry out intravenous infusions of antibiotics, and, if necessary, will carry out a bladder kateterization with washing by its aseptic solutions. You watch a condition of an animal as exacerbation of a disease is possible (in the presence of stones and sand). If a stone of the big size, then obstruction of a mochetochnik and failure of a kidney is possible, at the untimely request for the surgical help. Therefore at any stage of treatment the ultrasonography control is important (or a X-ray analysis).
3. Surely add to a food allowance of an animal, for the period of treatment, a vitamin and mineral complex. It makes active protective forces of an organism and will help to cope with an illness quicker. Consult with the doctor about indications and contraindications of concrete medicine.
4. Keep to the diet registered by the doctor. Let's a thicket drink water or broth of herbs (horsetail broth, broth from leaves of cowberry or a camomile pharmaceutical).
5. During the sharp period for removal of pains and frequent desires in a toilet it is possible to put a warm hot-water bottle on area of a bladder.