As snakes change skin

As snakes change skin

The normal molt at snakes is complex process. Cages of an intermediate zone of epidermis at it are capable to form a new corneal layer which is called epidermal internal generation. Outer layers of living cells that are placed under a corneal layer, as a result of process are completely replaced. This process is biological, as a result the reptile completely dumps an old integument and forms new.

The most fat snakes

The most fat snakes

Dragons are the long, flexible reptiles which do not have extremities. There are about 2900 species of snakes, and nearly 400 of them are poisonous. Dragons eat termites, rodents, birds, frogs, small deer, reptiles and even people. These reptiles eat production entirely and I can zaglotnut hulk three times more than diameter of their head in size.

What dragons are poisonous

What dragons are poisonous

It is considered to be that almost all venomous snakes, but actually from 2200 species of these reptiles only 270 possess poison. Some are not really dangerous and can cause only small poisoning, others in several minutes are capable to kill the person.

How to define, a venomous snake or not

How to define, a venomous snake or not

Today in the world more than 2500 species of snakes are known. According to official statistics, poisonous of them – about 410 types. Other dragons do not pose any danger for human life.

The most beautiful snakes

The most beautiful snakes

Only one word "snake" sometimes forces many people to shudder and shiver. It also is clear: snakes are beings poisonous and not really pleasant. But not all! On the planet Earth exists also the real beauties about whom it is impossible to be silent.