concept of female beauty is ambiguous. Especially today, when the fair sex masters fields of activity of men more and more actively. Each person draws the ideal female image. But, nevertheless, there are some general characteristics which make the woman womanly.
- First of all the femininity is shown in behavior. It means that the woman should not be rude, sharp and aggressive. The same concerns also the speech which it is necessary to monitor constantly: obscene words are simply inadmissible. You should not draw also attention to yourself with too loud speech – the voice has to be low and gentle. Even if the nature has awarded you with deep voice, the intonation can make it womanly.
- Of course, the appearance plays very important role. And it is unimportant what figure is given you by nature, shortcomings it is always possible to hide, and it is favorable to emphasize advantages. It is necessary to try to be constantly in good shape, to watch over the health, whenever possible to play sports.
- Indispensable condition of female beauty: accurate hairstyle and well-groomed manicure. It means that hair always have to be clean, and under nails there should not be dirt. If there is no time for manicure at all, then better not to cover nails is delicious, than then to go with half got down.
- Unless it is possible to provide the beautiful woman of round-shouldered? Of course not. Always you watch the bearing, especially when you sit at table. Working, we often so are fond of business that absolutely we forget about in what state there is back. It is always because the correct is important also for health necessary to remember it.
- The gait also plays very important role. Do not take meter steps even if very strongly you hurry. It will make you heavy and mannish. And here footwear on heel is capable to discipline the woman, doing her gait to more graceful. Only it is necessary to be more careful with heel height. If it is heavy to you to carry high heel, then you should not do it. The young lady who is heavily going on halfbent legs will hardly seem to someone womanly.
- Also it is worth mentioning cigarette in female hands though it and seems obvious. It will not add femininity, be it though three times thin. Especially as smoking does harm to appearance and health. The same can be told also about alcohol. The glass of champagne or wine at restaurant significantly differs from beer bottle on the street.