How to change shape of breast

How to change shape of breast

Breast – pride and the business card of any woman, subject of desires of male half of humanity. But, strangely enough, there will be women happy with the breast a little. Someone does not like the size, volume (too small, too big), to someone – form. Radical way to correct shape of breast (imperfect by nature or lost owing to feeding by breast or with age) – visit to the plastic surgeon. Operation on lifting of breast is called mastopeksiya. There are several types of lifting of breast.


1. Full mastopeksiya. Indications to it – strong changes of shape of breast. After full mastopeksiya on the lower share of breast (there, gra there passed the section) there are rough scars which become less visible over time.

2. At small omission of breast the crescent tightening is shown. At it the piece of skin over areola is removed, and the nipple rises above.

3. Tightening across Bonelli – one of the most sparing. At it skin is found around areola in the form of bagel. Further skin of breast is hemmed to areola that provides lifting of breast. The more fabric is found around nipple – the effect of tightening is better.

4. Tightening across Benelli – Lollipop suits women whose shape of breast needs serious correction, but need for full the mastopeksiya not yet. This way combines tightening across Bonelli with section from areola to the lower fold of mammary gland (inframammarny fold).

5. Very often lifting of breast is combined with installation of the chest implants allowing to change not only form, but also volume of mammary gland.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
