Such phenomenon as cellulitis is well familiar to many women. Unattractive dimples on skin, especially on buttocks and hips, not always accompany excess weight. Separate fat cages gather in clusters and press on the upper layers of the skin from within, creating the typical type of "orange-peel".
1. To get rid of cellulitis, adjust all the vital habits on slow and long process of fight for ideal forms. Reconstruct your food so that it was low-fat, unsalted and unsweetened. The cleaning diet will help to enter the new mode. For example, the whole week after 14 hours eat only the vegetables steamed have mineral water and green tea.
2. 2-3 times a week surely play sports: fitness, swimming, gym, aerobics or any other. Do houses physical exercises for muscles of hips. Try to execute it: be driven into the corner by the back, having bent knees, and as long as possible remain in this position. In appearance it seems that it is easier to execute it, than actually.
3. Here couple more of exercises directed to strengthening of muscles of hips and buttocks. Get up, having transferred body weight to the right foot, tighten the navel to the backbone and put hands on hips. Bend the left leg in the knee and raise it so that the left foot appeared behind the right anklebone. Keeping balance, make the breath and rise by the sock. On the exhalation fall. Repeat within 30 seconds, then replace the leg. This exercise is aimed at the back surface of legs and the buttock. Great exercise for the big gluteus. Get up on all fours, arms at shoulder height, knees under buttocks. Straighten the right leg back, put the foot sock on the floor. Having tightened the navel to the backbone, make the breath and raise the right leg up, feeling tension in buttocks. On the exhalation lower the leg. Repeat exercise by the right leg within 30 seconds, then replace the leg.
4. Every morning give 15 minutes to the house anti-cellulite program: massage by the broom - the variable shower - rubbing in of anti-cellulite cream. The broom carry out daily massage small circular motions from the knee from the natural bristle up. Taking the variable shower, direct serially warm and cool water jet to problem zones. Conduct it from the foot up, since the right leg. After the light breakfast make plucked massage of problem zones. It consists in easy tingling of skin fingertips.
5. Modern drugs against cellulitis contain the whole set of plant extracts, essential oils and also caffeine. You put them twice a day, after massage and the shower because after these procedures skin is especially susceptible to influence of active components.
6. When you take the bath, add to means water with mineral salts or with extracts of seaweed.
7. Undergo several professional procedures in salon: anti-cellulite massage, the lymphatic drainage, or thalassotherapy – treatment by sea products. They will bring fast visible result, and the first success will push you to further active actions in fight against cellulitis.