Sometimes it happens so that the person wants to change cardinally impression of surrounding people about himself, having changed image. The need for change of image can be caused by various reasons – quite often his life ceases to suit the person, he wants something new, changes social status, outlooks on life, dreams of career development, success at opposite sex, and of many other. If you have felt that your habitual shape has stopped being relevant, became too banal and uninteresting, and does not correspond to your lifestyle any more, hindering achievement of goals, for you there has come the moment of change of image.
- Your image is collective concept which includes the mass of elements, among which both style of behavior, and manner to put on, select accessories, hairstyle and make-up. In order that the image was harmonious, it is insufficiently simple to choose for itself new clothes – it is necessary to change something in the life.
- Try to pay equal amount of attention and time to working process, rest, communication with friends, own body care, spiritual growth and formation, education and other moments of which full existence consists.
- Begin to respect yourself – only the person with good self-assessment and normal level of self-esteem will cause positive feelings in people around. Before changing external style, you need to change internally.
- If in your previous shape there was a lot of affectation – colored hair, it is too much cosmetics and so on – get rid of it. Take maximum of advantages from the natural beauty. Emphasize those lines with which the nature has allocated you. In the same way it is necessary to get rid of affectation in actions and manifestations of character.
- Think to what image as much as possible there correspond your personality and your habits. Choosing new style of hairstyle and make-up, do not forget to consider shape of the face. Too high forehead, wide cheekbones or close put eyes can be modified visually by means of competent hairstyle and correctly imposed tone.
- Also select clothes, proceeding from type of own figure. All shortcomings need to be hidden as much as possible, and to emphasize advantages.
- It is the best of all to address the professional stylist who will help you to pick up successful option of hairstyle and will prompt the useful ideas in the field of make-up, being guided by your type of appearance.
- Choosing things for new clothes, you watch that they were pleasant to you and ideally sat on figure. Do not forget about accessories – jewelry for hair, jewelry, jewelry, footwear, kerchiefs and scarfs. Accessories perfectly emphasize style, doing it to more refined.