Thanks to the fact that today at hair extension, artificial materials are more often used this procedure became available not only to stars of show business or wives of oligarchs, but also citizens of middle-income. However it is still not so easy for masters to find clients.
- Take an interest at the girlfriends, relatives, acquaintances whether they wish to become your clients and, in case of their consent, carry out the procedure of hair extension as much as possible carefully and safely. If you really the expert, then you pretty fast are able to get regular customers.
- Address in newspapers of free announcements and place in them announcements of services in hair extension. Surely specify what procedures, besides building, you will be able to execute (hairstyle, coloring, chemical wave). Specify the contact information. Even if the clients wishing to have hair cut or change only hair color, perhaps to you will address you it will be possible to obtain the consent of some of them and to building of locks.
- Offer the services as the coming or permanent master to one of beauty shops in your city. If the salon just looks for opportunities for expansion of the range of services or it needs the specialist in hair extension, then your offer will be as it is impossible by the way.
- Come on one of the websites on which information on work including about vacancies in beauty shops is published (, and so forth). Get acquainted with vacancies if they are. If they are absent, or they do not suit you, place the summary, having specified the contacts and having listed all your skills in the field of hairdresser's services.
- Create the website on the Internet on which lay out information on yourself, on technologies of hair extension, on materials and so forth. And the main thing – do not forget to create photo gallery of your works. If yet you have no material or technical capabilities for opening of the website, come into one of social networks (for example, on and become the founder of theme group.
- Address on the exchange of private masters (, be registered and create the page. On this page you will be able to place any information on yourself: from full name (is not obligatory) to the address of your website on the Internet or pages of VKontakte. The exchange enjoys invariable popularity at those who wish to use all latest technologies in the field of beauty and style so for clients business will not become.