In the opinion of modern society the 30-year-old woman looks nearly little girl, and 40-year-old often looks elder sister of the adult daughter. How do many women manage to look good in 40? Plastic surgery? Magic? Gena? No, comprehensive care and positive spirit.
1. It is worth beginning, perhaps, after all with internal state. The happy woman can look always younger than 40 years. Even during adversities try to smile, the gloomy face adds age and to 20-year-old girls. Going on life with positive, you not only will be able to keep youth, but also learn to cope with any difficulties.
2. If you want to look in 40 on 30, it is necessary to saturate the diet with vitamins and minerals. After thirty it is necessary to accept calcium, iron and folic acid, and in 40 surely include the cellulose, products rich with magnesium and potassium in the menu. Besides, follow the example of Madonna who accepts 25 years astaxanthin – the carotinoid synthesized from microscopic seaweed.
3. It will not turn out to look good in 40 years, continuing to smoke and take alcoholic drinks. If the male body still has any immunity to alcohol, then women's suffers from each drop. Dry red wine, no more than 400 ml a week can be exception for the mature lady.
4. Arm with sport. Certain quantity of the rejuvenating cages which has been given you by the nature after 30 begins to thaw promptly. Only the mobile way of life can activate process of self-recovery of organism. Do not miss opportunity once again to walk, do a bit of traveling by bicycle, to swim for a while or be run on the park. Besides it is necessary to visit some sports section – yoga, Pilates, shaping, bodiflex, - at least 3 times a week.
5. To look younger than 40 years, it is necessary to observe the drinking mode and to get enough sleep. Do not sacrifice rest-hours for the sake of homework or leisure at the TV. If in 20 years you could dance night without a break, then in the 40th organism will not forgive you similar neglect to himself and will revenge wrinkles and shadows under the eyes.
6. The correct make-up will help to look with 40 on 30. At this age at women "goose pads" and wrinkles around mouth are already accurately designated. Will help to disguise this shortcoming the light concealer and liquid foundation are one tone more dark than natural shade of skin. Carrying out make-up, you watch that all lines were ascending. You use eye shadow accurately, directing tips of arrows up. By the way, the age is often given by eyebrows. If they have thinned, it is worth making permanent make-up. If they, on the contrary, too dense, pull out them so that tails did not fall to corners of eyes – such form gives to the face tired and pathetic face.