How to make massage of sides and stomach for weight loss

How to make massage of sides and stomach for weight loss

It is simple to carry out massage of stomach and sides for weight loss in house conditions. For obtaining the steadiest effect during performance of course of massage it is desirable to observe certain diet, to sleep well, work out.

The results of massage impressing – with each session it is possible to reduce a little stomach, the result remains for a long time, harm to organism is not done. It is possible to continue procedures until the stomach on appearance does not correspond to body proportions.

How to carry out house massage

The procedure for which holding the professional is invited will bring result more noticeable. But at impossibility to use services of the massage therapist it is possible to learn independently some receptions and to do self-massage of the house in convenient time.

As massage affects organism:

  • ·         At physical impact on skin folds temperature of leather and fat under it increases.
  • ·         Blood circulation is normalized.
  • ·         At the cellular level the metabolism changes, fat begins to be split that leads to gradual removal it from organism.

For receiving fast weight loss the independent massage should be carried out with such conditions:

  • ·         The session has to be carried out on an empty stomach or in a couple of hours after meal.
  • ·         Movements are carried out in the direction from below up.
  • ·         It is necessary to begin massage movements easy, stroking. To finish also.
  • ·         You should not strain press during massage – it provides the unnecessary pressure upon internals.
  • ·         It is allowed to use special gels, srubs, other means.

After the procedure is ended, it is not recommended to eat food within hour. Drink is not forbidden.

The most widespread type of massage

To carry out impact on skin of stomach and sides, such operations are performed:

  • ·         Grinding – is carried out by edge of palm or finger-tips. The movement is carried out with the purpose to proshevelit hypodermic, to touch each muscle.
  • ·         Puddling – the movement like what knead dough. Skin capture is carried out – it can be done by all handful or two fingers, plucked movements.
  • ·         Easy effleurages – it is possible to execute them palms, fingers and even fist. To carry out the movement not all hand but only brush.

Each influence is carried out smoothly and with accuracy not to cause severe pain. Often massage of stomach and sides for weight loss carry out for once. The difference can be in force of influences and their duration.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
