The infrared sauna gains the increasing popularity today. Not so it and is surprising - it provides quite high therapeutic effect, but it has less serious contraindications, than at usual sauna. What rules should be followed at visit of infrared sauna to derive the maximum benefit from process?
- Let's understand in operation infrared sauna. The warm infrared beams used in these saunas affect human body in the best way as develop heat, the closest to natural heat of the person. Warming up happens measuredly and gradually, and temperature can reach 45-60 degrees! As a result sweating amplifies, blood circulation becomes active, calories are burned, toxins are removed and fat is burned.
- However, the increased temperature (higher than 60 degrees) can lead to discomfort and violation of activity of organism, there is excessive load of heart and lungs, the condition of the person is oppressed. So the major rule in visit of infrared saunas is maintenance of optimum temperature, do not try to reach effect of bath, and just enjoy comfortable heat - your organism already activated all necessary processes.
- Before visit of infrared sauna it is impossible to eat and drink much - better if after the last dense acceptance of food there pass about 2, and even three hours. Just before sauna it is possible to have a bite light salad or fruit (only not heavy like bananas) and also to drink easy cocktail from low-fat yogurt. It is necessary to refuse the drinks stimulating warm activity - strong green tea, coffee.
- You should listen to the organism - even considering that at colds and indispositions the acceptance of infrared sauna can become the best medicine, you should consult to the attending physician, otherwise consequences can be unpredictable.
- During acceptance of sauna you can drink water as you plentifully sweat, but it is worth doing it carefully - for example, it is impossible to drink too cold water in large quantities. It is better if water is room temperature, and it is worth drinking it small drinks. By the way - be extremely careful and do not spill water on infrared emitters.
- After sauna it is worth taking warm shower, to be wiped dry and to have a rest at least half an hour. The fact is that during acceptance of infrared sauna our organism diligently works - overtakes blood, removes toxins, fights against calories and fat for this reason you can feel pleasant fatigue.