As it is correct to choose and show a cartoon to the child

As it is correct to choose and show a cartoon to the child

Kids for hours can sit at viewing cartoons, whether it be on TV, to the computer or on the tablet. Mummies often ask what cartoons can be shown to the child. Plus of parents interests a question from what age to the kid to watch TV and during which time. So, for a start we will try to understand what animated films exist.

The developing cartoons

Their child can look since a year. Such cartoons give the first concepts about color, a form, the alphabet and the alphabet. There are even whole series of the training video programs for early development of children.  

Useful animated films  

Such cartoons acquaint the child with the world around, form a concept "well" and "badly", impart kindness and care. Can be an example of such animated films: "The Lion King", "Dinosaur", kind Soviet cartoons.  

Entertaining toons  

Are created for children of   three or four years. In these animated films the dynamic and twirled plot is put. For example, "101 dalmatians", "Wheelbarrows 1.2", Rio, "Beauty and Monster".  

When choosing the animated film to parents recommend to pay attention to quality of broadcasting and a sound. At the same time it is important to watch that the child was at admissible distance from the TV or the computer and also not to do a sound too loud. Besides, you do not hurry to accustom the baby to 3D cartoons and movies too early.  

About harmful animated films  

Here it is about animated films in which show scenes of cruelty, the prejudiced attitude towards the neighbor. Children, often do not understand that shown it is a fantasy, and can easily seek to embody what was seen in real life. First of all, the child needs to explain what can be done and it is impossible and to try to limit viewing such saw materials. Simpsona, "Pokemons", South park, and even "Tom and Gerry" are an example of harmful cartoons.

What is the time  it is authorized to child to watch cartoons?

Children's psychologists and ophthalmologists recommend to observe a measure in viewing by children animated films and transfers. To age of four years the viewing toons has to be limited for 20 minutes, for children after 5 and 6 years it is possible to watch TV half an hour, and to school students of initial classes of 45 minutes.

Also you remember to fence  the child from harm which can be received not only from the TV and the computer, constantly communicate with the child, be to it a friend, and you will always be aware of his problems and experiences.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
