Young mothers often have concerning amount of time which their kid spends in a condition of a dream or, on the contrary, wakefulnesses. However, they can be understood — during sleep the kid intensively grows and develops. Of course, norms of a dream — a concept conditional and approximate and yet it is necessary to understand at least approximately how many the small child during any given period of the life has to sleep.
Actually it is always necessary to hold in the head the fact that the child owing to the identity cannot meet the average standards accepted in pediatrics. How many to sleep in day how to put on weight and how often to eat food — things especially individual and completely depend on the most newborn. The child will sleep exactly so much how many it is necessary for him. If at small deviations from average norms the child behaves quietly, he is full and happy — in this case you should not put violently him to bed to hold on to mythical norm. But in a case when the kid is uneasy, angrily cries and rubs eyes, and it is impossible to fall asleep in any way, and so proceeds day by day — here such situations require special attention.
How many the newborn sleeps
The newborn on the classification accepted by World Health Organization the baby aged up to one month is considered. In the period of a neonatality the small penis of family carries out the most part of the life in a condition of a dream — about 17-18 hours a day. It, of course, does not mean that time of a dream will continuously last. The kid will wake up approximately each 2-3 hours to eat. More often the children who are on breastfeeding, kids who are fed with mix wake up, as a rule, can continuously sleep till 3-4 o'clock. At this age the mode of a dream and wakefulness did not settle yet therefore just help the kid to fall asleep: swaddle him, take slightly longer on hands after feeding, quietly sing a lullaby.
Norms of a dream at the kid up to three months
At this age time spent by the child in a dream can be reduced by two hours and will be 15-16 hours within a day. However, at this age most often the little man has gripes which will quietly prevent to sleep peacefully. If the cause of gripes and feeling sick of the child is eliminated, then at night he can continuously oversleep 5-6 hours, and in the afternoon the general time of a dream will be about 10 hours. The wakefulness periods at the kid increase, he with interest studies the world around.
Time of a dream of the baby aged about half a year
The little man grew up, he becomes more active and he very strongly is interested in all events around. Respectively, and the periods of wakefulness become longer. At this age the kid can sleep in the afternoon 3-4 hours continuously then he will surely want to eat and play. Stages of a daytime sleep has to be three. The night dream at the child aged about half a year, as a rule, lasts 10-11 hours. The period from 4 to 6 months is considered most favorable for work on a day regimen of the child. Mummy already studied by this time features of the of the baby and understands when he wants to sleep and that helps it at falling asleep.
The child's dream aged from 6 up to 9 months
After half a year of life the child is capable to sleep peacefully all night long, without waking up on night feeding. Duration of night sleep can be till 12 o'clock if the child is healthy, and he is not disturbed by the cut teeth or other problems. Since morning the kid is capable to entertain himself within 2.5-3 hours continuously, then exactly the same amount of time he will sleep. Stages of a daytime sleep by ninth month of life can become two, at this time the kid will sleep for 2-3 hours, no more. The rest of the time the child learns surrounding space - he begins to creep, learns to get up with support, becomes more excitable. Therefore at this time it is very important to develop an otkhozhdeniye order for sleeping - to play only quiet games, to take by a hand during falling asleep, to tell the fairy tale. Habitual actions will help the child to be adjusted on a dream, and process of laying will take place much easier.
How many the child about one year sleeps
After 9 months of life it is required to the child less a daytime sleep, at the same time at night the child sleeps peacefully, without waking up, not less than 11-12 hours as before. Many children are closer by a year pass to a disposable daytime sleep lasting 3-4 hours, and spend the rest of the time in the mode of vigorous activity. However all this rarity. Most of kids continue to sleep in the afternoon in two stages, each of which lasts for 1.5-2 hours. It is very important to adhere to the mode and to try to stack the kid on a daytime sleep at the same time. Such sequence of actions will help the kid to fill up independently, and you should not stay at his bed long time or to rock to sleep him. And yet, despite of all existing norms, allow the kid to deviate somewhat from them if you see that the child gets enough sleep, feels active and vigorous. Watch the child, and you will be able to define what distribution of the periods of a dream and wakefulness is required to him for full development.