Real trifles are capable to give information on character of the person sometimes. For example, smoking manner at the people subject to this addiction. Pay attention to that, how exactly your interlocutor gets a light where he produces smoke and as shakes ashes, and you recognize much interesting.
Whether in a pocket a pack of cigarettes
It is possible to judge character of the smoker already at that stage when he looks for a pack of cigarettes and a match or the lighter. If the necessary objects are from the first, it is possible to draw a conclusion that their owner – the person reliable and surely standing on the feet. He prefers ordered life. If your interlocutor rummages around all pockets in search of a cigarette and in process finds out that he left the lighter at home, certainly, it demonstrates absent-mindedness and tendency to superficiality.
If your interlocutor uses matches, pay attention to that, how exactly he does it. In case the person makes the movement by a match in the direction from himself, it is possible to assume that he is an extrovert. Otherwise, when the match goes to the smoker, it demonstrates his introversion.
Direction of smoke
In the direction of smoke it is possible to judge the current mood of the person. If the smoker produces smoke up, it is in good mood. Perhaps, he tests a shred of complacency and at present considers himself in something better than people around. And here the smoking people directing a smoke stream down, obviously something are upset and absorbed by pessimistic thoughts. If the person tries to do focuses, for example, releases smoke ringlets, it can demonstrate that he feels uncomfortablly and would like to make a conversation of less official. Through nostrils smoke is usually exhaled by haughty people.
Stryakhivaniye of ashes
One more action which should be considered is a stryakhivaniye of ashes. The person is more often it does, the less surely he feels. If your interlocutor forgets about the cigarette, he is keen on a conversation and to it is comfortable. The person who constantly reaches for an ashtray even when it would be possible to do without it, is nervous and tries to occupy itself with something to calm down.
Keep it up!
Look at that, how exactly the smoker holds a cigarette. If it is located far from a palm, before you the sensitive and delicate person. Your interlocutor clamped a cigarette between big and index fingers so that the spark was protected by a palm – it and in life feels the need to preserve those who are near it. In a case when the cigarette keeps the same fingers, but it is directed outside, the person will probably be active and honest, with firm living position and thirst for all new.