Treason, treachery, lie – all this links of one chain. They will painfully wound, force the woman to doubt themselves and, of course, love of the husband. It is necessary to find forces to cope with pain and fully to live further.
It is required to you
- - personal diary;
- - handle;
- - subscription to the gym or the pool;
- - internal consultation of the psychologist.
1. Calm down and take a detached view of a situation. The fact of treason is available, but whether it is worth dramatizing the incident strongly? Nobody died, got sick. Everything is learned in comparison. Now the incident seems to you something very serious, terrible, sad, but there will pass time – month, year, five years and you will already remember treason with much less heightened senses and emotions.
2. Think also that sometimes treason is even necessary. For what? That you understood what in fact the person lives near you that he does not value your relations. The earlier there will be a treason, the more there will be chances at the woman to break off the relations with the traitor and to find really worthy person. There is also one more option of a positive view of treason: the incident will open the existing problems of your marriage, will help you to eliminate in due time them and to live together further, but already without lie and falseness.
3. Analyze why there was a treason: owing to loveful character of your husband or for some other reasons? What were your relationship with the spouse recently? Perhaps, having changed, he wanted to prove something to you? Who was the leading partner in your family? Perhaps, to him just bothered to be in a role of the henpecked and he decided to feel the real man? What were your sexual relations – whether there was enough for them passion, novelty, emotions?
4. Frankly talk to the husband about the incident, try to keep quietly. For this purpose refuse for a while a role of the deceived wife, become the friend, the companion. Ask why he made it? Ask it to be frank. Tell that for you it is very sick and a pity that the spouse betrayed you. If you feel your indirect guilty in the incident, tell the husband about it, decide how you will live further.
5. Do not scroll over and over again in your thoughts of an incident detail. Try to diversify your life, fill it with interesting affairs, events. Find to yourself a hobby to liking, sign up for some courses, buy the subscription to the gym or the pool. Do not forget to watch the appearance. Work on increase in a self-assessment.
6. Consider that temptation to plunge into a depression it is very big. You will be felt sorry by all people around, you will look the unfortunate wife and, perhaps, the betrayed your husband realizes all degree of the fault, will come to you on the bended knees and will ask about forgiveness. However, this stereotype is false: yes, at first will feel sorry for you, it will be a shame to spouse to look to you in the face, but every day your depression will tighten you more and more deeply, and the people empathizing you will have affairs and problems and to them will have no time for you. And the husband will prefer stronger, successful and self-assured woman.
7. Keep a diary in which write down all tormenting you think also of experiences. Leaving them on paper, fill yourself with the new emotions necessary for you to get out of this situation the winner, namely: confidence in Sebha and tomorrow, constructive rage, self-respect.