The learning of foreign language is not just a craze, and process of obtaining knowledge which is vital in the modern society developing in the direction to general globalization. For this reason many parents seek to bring up the child the polyglot.
Process of training should be begun when the child is 2-3 years old. It is good if you know language and you can teach it to the child. And if not, then it is worth employing the nurse who would speak with the child only a foreign language. In the course of communication the child will easily and easy start talking a foreign language, perceiving it vital need. Also the special linguistic centers for the most young pupils can become an alternative. In them children are trained in playful way. It is necessary that the true native speaker which has vocational training and knows how to find approach to so young pupils was a teacher. Thanks to games and real-life communication the child will quickly join training process. Pay attention that in linguistic group there were no more than five kids. For successful learning language the classes in such linguistic centers have to be given not less than three times a week.
Parents can independently begin training of the child. For this purpose you have to know language at least at the level of the school program and have the correct pronunciation. The kid at the age of 2-3 years is very inquisitive and inquisitive, new games and entertainments are interesting to him, and it means that it will be interesting to child to sing together with you songs, to study simple poems, to play theatrical sketches. The kid will better remember a foreign language if he hears it at least occasionally. It is possible to include children's cartoons alternately in different languages (on native and on foreign) that the child compared them among themselves. It is important to include game elements in training process. Presently there is a mass of computer programs for young polyglots.
Good practice – to surround the kid with visual information: to draw the poster, to get cubes with words, to cut out colourful capital letters. Congregational singing of songs, reading fairy tales with foreign explanations, a mention of foreign words or names during the game – exists great variety of options for learning the second language. But you should not be overzealous. Otherwise will quickly bother the child and he will not want anything to learn.
It is appropriate to enter the second foreign language in 1.5-2. Earlier you should not do it as the child can will get confused in what already managed to learn. It is important to immerse gradually children in this still absolutely unfamiliar environment. If the child refuses to learn a foreign language, it should not impose it. In few weeks try to offer the kid other method of training.