How to grow up the self-assured child: 6 councils

How to grow up the self-assured child: 6 councils

Very often on the children's playground it is possible to meet enough shy, timid girls and boys. Holding the handle of mummies, such children do not dare to step an excess step without parental consent.

"I was the same, all this genes", - adults most often justify the clamped, held down behavior of the children. 

The diffidence prevents the kid to develop, try something new, to communicate with peers. 

To grow up the child courageous and with a healthy self-assessment, in education it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules.

1. Always you praise efforts of the children if they try to help you, or to independently make something. And even if the result not really pleases you, you should not focus attention on it and to point to it to the child. Process, but not result is important. Under the influence of parental approval your child has an eagerness to creativity, it comprehends new surer and more safely. 

2. Watch the child and reveal his interests. If the child obviously became interested in any creativity, then follows unostentatiously it to bring to it. If the child, for example, liked to draw, it is not necessary to force to make you without a break him day it. Desire of the child has to be the guiding lighthouse always. When at the child business better and better turns out each time, he will feel the importance in the opinion of adults. And the importance is and there is a basis of a healthy self-assessment. 

3. Children have to learn to solve the problems independently. It is impossible to do the most part of work for them at all. Excessive guardianship gives to the child feeling of helplessness and gives rise to excess fears. In this case the lazy parent - the correct parent. But you should not be overzealous and forget about safety measures. For example, it is not necessary to give to the kid of a match and to send him to the gas stove to warm a dinner. 

4. Kind of did not bother you, always answer numerous "why" child. Do not wave away and do not reproach the child for such large number of questions, and on the contrary interest him. Tell about a peace arrangement, time, about animals, cars and about many other. Development of curiosity and interest in new knowledge not only will give to confidence to your child, but will positively affect his progress at school. 

5. Open new opportunities, the new horizons before it. You teach him to what you know and you are able to do. Let it know that having achieved the small insignificant objective, the possibility of achievement of more serious results always appears. The more often the little person comprehends new experience, the more assured it becomes. 

6. Prepare the child for the fact that on the way to success in life troubles which it is necessary to overcome firmness of character and persistent work can meet. A task of parents to support when the next trouble fell down brittle shoulders of the child. 

Perhaps, there are a lot more other secrets and recommendations how to raise a self-assessment of children, but a basis of a high self-assessment and confidence of the child in itself, there is always a strong united family, warmth and love of parents

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
