It will be interesting to both boys, and little girls to participate in search of a piracy treasure. The adventure will turn a birthday from a boring feast into the real holiday.
It is required to you
- Piracy attributes, kerchiefs, scarf, paper, colored pencils or felt-tip pens, music, board games, chocolate coins, small souvenirs, box chest, good mood and imagination.
1. Let's begin with registration. Make the poster with a cherepushka or make a flag of a mop and an old t-shirt full of holes. On a table spread out plastic ware and napkins with sea subject. Swords, chains, guns, guns, skulls, the ships, fishes and chests – the list of piracy attributes. Distribute to little guests of a stripped vest, hat and kerchief on the heads, draw mustache, beards and scars with a black pencil for eyes.
2. It is better to tie the festive menu to piracy style. Serve fish, squids salad. It is possible to cut sausages in the form of an octopus, to lay out food in the form of fish, the ship or a skull. On decanters or bottles with drinks attach the inscription "ROM". It is better to mature festive cake in the same subject.
3. You can cut down and supplement the scenario depending on your opportunities and imagination, but the treasure – the box with treasures issued in the form of a chest which all participants will divide among themselves remains its core. It can be chocolate coins and small toys (it is better identical that the kids did not squabble).
4. Having seated all to have a bite, declare that the pirates who gathered at this table are waited by an adventure in which they should try the forces and mind. Distribute to children leaflets and pencils that they drew the piracy flags. For each performed task give to children the hint in which there will be a hint on where the following task is hidden.
5. It can be: - the competition to the sound of music with chairs/regiving of a hat or a ball (let participants do not leave, and tell the rhyme or sing a couplet from a song) - a zakidyvaniye of paper shells (lumps) in the enemy ship (a bucket, a basin – everything will fit in economy) - inventing of a piracy nickname - solving of riddles - drawing up the card - a pantomime - a competition of talents - drawing blindfold - guessing of participants blindfold in a shape of a nose (shoulders, knees) - Darth, cards, uno and so on.
6. The last hint has to say about where the treasure is hidden. All together move off in searches and divide treasures. After that it is possible to seat pirates at the table and to take out cake.