How to understand that failures of the child at school are not laziness

How to understand that failures of the child at school are not laziness

Parents, seeing off the elegant kid on his first school ruler, hope that he will successfully study, will easily cope with loading, itself will do homeworks, and at PTA meetings should listen only the gratitude for education of the beautiful child and laudatory speeches in his address. However, most often the reality is far from hopes and expectations.

 For any child the beginning of school life is a huge stress. An unusual situation, strict discipline, regular intensive loadings - after outlaws of the early childhood it is frequent can do sharply and forever avert the child from school and from desire to study in general.

 Responsible parents who the majority, caring for development and health of the child, are understood that times when it was possible to come unprepared to the first class, in full confidence that will teach both to read and to consider passed and will not return.

 It is clear, that to school  the child already has to have a necessary stock of knowledge: to count up to hundred and to spell is at least, otherwise it automatically is included in the category closing a system on progress, and it means that, first, it is necessary to catch up, secondly, at once puts the child in position lagging behind, and it psychologically strongly injures. Besides, to catch up always extremely difficult and, by experience, a little at whom it turns out.

 Sticks and hooks will write, of course, but is short. Fifteen - twenty years ago when over children with might and main did experiments, at the end of the first quarter moonshines already wrote reviews of the read books and attached to them drawings of own execution. And in the second class solved the equations with X.

  Since then the school in places thought again, the children who lost sight from loadings grew up and put on lenses, but the school program is still difficult, requires intense work, attention, discipline and regularity.

 And here the attention and the help of parents cannot be overestimated. In the majority parents it is total now are busy, do career, earn money. If the child at elementary school is not captured by attention, we do not control in observance of the mode and regular performance of tasks, is provided to cares of superloyal grandmothers or irresponsible nurses - problems will have an effect soon.

 He has to make what the child can make itself independently. To hang over it and to control each movement or, what is even worse, to do for it that quicker, it is impossible at all.

 But also to abuse the child for the fact that he missed something did not understand, was not in time, did not cope with something - a mistake. Always, under any circumstances the child has to know and feel that you on his party that he can count on the help and support. Not to punish, not to abuse, and to look for the reason of poor progress and ways to solve a problem, to help.

 Always to help when it is necessary - the main precept. Not to compare to more successful schoolmates or the senior children, not to punish for made with mistakes, not to do instead of the child for the sake of a good mark - simple rules which are often violated by parents.

 In what does the help consist? If the gap in knowledge is found - to return to a subject, to understand, explain, check, make sure that without what farther it is impossible to move is learned. If there is no time, there is not enough patience or abilities to explain material - to employ the tutor, to agree with the teacher about additional classes. But it is necessary not to miss the moment when unlearned, misunderstood begins to accrue as a snowball, burying under itself success of the child in study, his confidence in the forces, mind and abilities.

 At this early stage the attentive parents can face what  not the laziness, not sloppiness, but problems objective, connected with features or even with health prevent to be successful in study to the child.

 Feature can turn out the fact that the child the lefthander, and to school it brightly was not shown and was not noticed by parents in their eternal vital race. Fortunately, now such children are not retrained and it is not a problem any more. But it is an occasion to become interested in a subject and to esteem about features of such children, about their identity.

 Not so long ago began to speak about a problem which was qualified as not learning ability, underdevelopment, nearly nonsense earlier. This problem is called a dyslexia and a dysgraphia. It is not a disease and not defect, but nevertheless this feature strongly spoils life if the problem is not found in time,  is not understood or is ignored. In Europe not so long ago also students dyslexics understood it, successfully studying at the university, carry a badge on which it is written on a lapel: "Help the student, he is a dyslexic". So in what a problem how it is shown?

 The child having such diagnosis (you should not be frightened this word), at safe intelligence, badly perceives the written text. While he can successfully put letters in words, rather fluently it is difficult to read, understand and acquire read to it. But he perceives the sounding speech, the written-down text on the carrier easily. For the students having such feature in progressive higher education institutions there are language laboratories, it is authorized to students not to keep the abstract, and to write down lectures on a dictophone.

 If the child read the text set to retelling, and finds it difficult to reproduce read even after re-read it several times, it is necessary to pay attention to it. Try to read it the text that he listened, and after that tried to retell. If it turns out - it is necessary to pay attention to it, without accenting and without sounding the observations aloud. It is an occasion to look narrowly more attentively at how the child prepares oral tasks as he understands after reading of a statement of the problem. From "Afftor burns down plots!" are not always ridiculous. Nobody wants his child to become a laughing-stock.

 Besides, if the child often passes syllables, rearranges them in places, overturns letters - it is a signal to paying attention to the available circumstance and to address the expert too. The dyslexia and a dysgraphia found in time give in to correction and if there are problems, then it is quite successfully possible to cope with them, using the recommendations of the knowing and understanding people.

 Among dyslexics there are a lot of famous, even outstanding people whom it is necessary to consider successful. This fact made neuropathologists think on communication of a dyslexia with endowments. In the list of dyslexics Mayakovsky and Einstein, Ford and Disney, Bill Gates and Keira Knightley. 

 And one more rasrostranenny problem which is often treated as bad education, dissoluteness, bad character and actually has under itself quite real basis, the objective reason which causes some inconveniences both to parents and teachers, and children. This problem is called hyper excitability.

  If the child, being a baby, cannot stop crying, at it the chin shivers after he could not be calmed long, handles shudder - it most often does not raise questions. When the kid rushes without interruption for hours, difficult calms down after the active game, badly falls asleep - it can long guard, be written off nobody for character, energy, natural to children's age.

  The real problems begin at school where it is difficult to sit still forty minutes in a row where it is necessary to organize himself on daily doing homework where the discipline and an order is required.

 Hyper excitability now the widespread diagnosis owing to various reasons connected with modern life. The earlier parents will notice the existing problem and will ask for the help the children's neuropathologist who will appoint inspection and treatment, the children will be happier, healthier and more successful.

 To be parents - huge happiness and responsibility which could not be shifted. Not all in life in our hands, but if we can make something for our children today, then it is the main task because into the account the "first or second" calculation comes to an end and there is nobody to hope more. If not we, then who?

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
