It seems that it is not simple to make the biography of the child at all, the considerable facts in his life collected not so much. And the made story if it turns out, will be dry and not volume. However try to remember all important events of life of the kid, achievement and interests, and you will be able to write the detailed and interesting biography.
1. Specify a surname, initials and date of birth of the child. Write where he was born. If in your family there are a lot of children, surely mention what described was born. Note his main traits of character and features of behavior during this period when he did not go to kindergarten yet.
2. Write date of receipt to child care facility. If the garden had any specialized direction, surely focus attention on it. Specify group to which the kid, its level and age category was admitted. In detail tell about all important achievements which the child could achieve while he visited kindergarten. If at the kid the behavior during this period strongly changed, note it.
3. List all circles, sections and the developing classes which were attended by the child in the preschool period. Specify, perhaps, in some area he achieved considerable progress. Specify all knowledge which the child acquired during visit of these actions. In addition note the main hobbies and aspirations of the preschool child.
4. Specify date of arrival of the child in school. If school or a class specialized, do not forget to note the direction of training. Describe the general tone of relationship of the child with teachers and schoolmates, pay special attention to friendliness, ability to contact and desire to communicate. Tell how the behavior of the child with receipt in school changed.
5. List all awards which were received by the child during training and participation in various competitions and competitions. Surely place emphasis on tendencies which appeared at the school student, whether it be sport or a learning of foreign languages.
6. Try to describe the child's life according to strict chronology. List moving and serious changes in life. If you make the biography at the request of any establishment, take an interest in advance, perhaps, it is required to specify some certain requirements.