Did you decide to spend a vacation together with the child abroad? The excellent decision, but do not forget that the unfamiliar country is not only a source of interesting impressions and positive emotions, but also a stress for a children's organism. What it is possible to face in the foreign land and how to secure the child against possible troubles?
- Before going to a travel, study the world map. Children's doctors claim that the right choice of the vacation spot with the child is a half of success. You should not go with children to epidemic unsuccessful countries with tropical climate of type of India, Madagascar or Bali, the risk is high there to be infected with malaria or intestinal infections.
- Extreme rest - not for children. Refuse the idea of a hike on the mountain area or alloy on kayaks. Numerous excursions and attractions too not in the best way will affect health of the child, it is necessary to avoid big physical activities.
- By the nature children are emotional and inquisitive, they want to see everything, everywhere to be in time. Manage to plan and organize day of the child so that the emotional pressure did not become excessive. Otherwise, instead of rest the organism will get a stress.
- Often happens so that the child overflowed with new impressions does not want to sleep, however, the mode important to observe. Track that not later than two hours no events before going to bed were held. This time needs to be spent in a quiet situation. Read together the book not night, make tea with soothing herbs. The child needs to restore forces, otherwise there can be problems with immunity and acclimatization.
- That digestive process of the child because of unusual food was not broken, at least once in day prepare for it a habitual dish. It will create a home atmosphere and considerably will accelerate adaptation.
- It is sometimes difficult to find necessary medicine in others country therefore stock up with necessary medicines in advance. Do not forget to take sunblock cream with a factor not less than 30 SPF. At long stay in the sun you apply it to the child's skin at least, than time at 2 o'clock. Do not forget about a headdress which has to be from the natural breathing fabric of light color.