The gift of VKontakte became not just the picture on social network for a long time. Now the person to whom the gift came perceives this event as a courtesy and cares. But there are situations when it is necessary to send a gift anonymously.
Still a year ago any user of social network VKontakte had an opportunity to send a gift anonymously. However for quite some time now the interface and functionality of VKontakte began to change. There were many pleasant bonuses: viewing photos in the full-screen mode, the improved section with private messages and many other things.
Well it or is bad, but along with similar "pleasant things", some rights to which users already got used, just disappeared. Also an opportunity to send anonymously gifts to friends and other users of social network disappeared.
Innovations in VKontakte are connected first of all with the fact that the policy of anonymity fails for a long time. On its soil many insults and other unpleasant situations are born.
At the moment of 52% stake in Vkontakte belongs Group. And, most likely, this percentage will only increase.
But you should not be upset, if you with the most good intentions want to send a gift to the person, but hesitates to make it publicly, then for you there are "alternate paths".
"Only for the"
But at first It is necessary to tell about opportunities which are officially given by social network when sending a gift. Perhaps, you want to send a gift, without telling the name to public, but having revealed before the recipient.
The present possibility is provided in VKontakte. After you select the pleasant gift, in the form of sending check opposite to the words "Show My Name Only to the Recipient".
If sent anonymous gifts earlier, to innovations, then you can not worry. The administration VKontakte assures users that their names are not revealed and will not be opened.
Alternate paths and possible reefs
Whether so there is an opportunity to give an anonymous gift? Yes, exists. As option you can register the new page on which do not indicate the name. For this purpose you need the available mobile number.
On the Internet there are a considerable number of ""special programs"" that are supposedly able to send the gift anonymously. None of these programs do not fulfill the promise. Instead, your PC probably will be a couple of viruses.
After registration throw off on the page of a voice and send anonymous gifts. You can also delete this page. Removal will not affect a gift. It will not disappear anywhere, and your page will be displayed as remote.