What only computer developers will go to earn money. Now the majority of the websites is populated with advertizing which constantly emerges when viewing the necessary information. And there is also such advertizing which bears harm to your computer.
1. So, you visit the unchecked website which, most likely, is on a free Internet resource. Before looking at information interesting you, you should spend time for viewing or closing of pop-up windows of Internet advertizing.
2. Fortunately, settings of browsers provide protection against similar persistence. To prohibit demonstration of pop-up windows in the Opera browser, open "Menu" of the browser (the button by default is in top the left corner of an open window). Find "Settings" in the list of tabs, guide the cursor at this column. Before you parameters of settings will open. Select "Fast settings": it is the shortest path to setup of pop-up windows. Select settings of pop-up windows: "Block nonrequested windows". Left-click on this line and changes will be saved automatically. Now work on the Internet will become much simpler and safer.
3. It is possible to prohibit demonstration of pop-up windows in the Mozilla Firefox browser in the following way. Come into the Setup menu which is on a top panel of tools of the browser. Select the Contents tab and check the graph "Block Pop-up Windows". Confirm the actions, having clicked "OK".
4. If you somehow downloaded the malicious application on the computer, and now pop-up windows with advertizing appear even at the switched-off Internet, it is possible to remove them in the following way. Open the Start menu and select in it "Control panel". Find the Properties of the Folder tab and left-click on it twice. In the opened menu click the View tab and check the section "Files and Folders" near the Show the Hidden Files and Folders command. Confirm the actions, having clicked "Apply" and "OK". Now the hidden folders including containing a virus, will be visible to each user of the computer.
5. To delete the malicious application, open "My computer" and on a disk C come into the Documents and Settings folder. Select the name of the administrator then open the Application Data/App Data folder. Find the CMedia folder in it, open it, having double-clicked with the left mouse button. In this folder find the CMedia.dat file. Right-click on it and in a context menu choose the Open using the Notepad command. Find a line in the opened file "ADSR=976" (here instead of 976 there can be that number of demonstrations of a pop-up window which is configured at you on the counter). Replace this digit with 0, so that "ADSR=0" turned out. Return to the CMedia folder and start the uninstal.exe file, having double-clicked on it with the left mouse button. Wait for completion of work of a system.