Game consoles of the seventh generation (Wii and PlayStation 3) are equipped with interfaces for connection to wired and wireless networks. Having such prefix, it is possible not only to play, but also to visit the websites.
1. Get additional accessories to a prefix. First of all the normal keyboard with the USB interface belongs to their number. Some devices support also an USB mouse - learn about such opportunity from the instruction. For Wii additional accessories can be required: The SD card (for storage of the browser) with a capacity exactly 512 MB (others can unstably work, and store data on the USB USB stick the console is incapable) and also Wii Ethernet Kit (it Wii LAN Adapter) as this prefix is equipped only with the wireless interface (WiFi), and directly cannot be connected to a wired local area network. The prefix can be not absolutely serviceable - the drive for disks can not work for it; it will not be reflected in network capabilities of the video game console in any way.
2. Do not try to use for connection of the game console to the Internet 3G-modems and other similar devices - despite existence of USB connectors, the device is not designed for work with such accessories. Also it is recommended to refrain from application of the prefixes of the special adapters allowing to connect the video game console to the Internet through the available computer offered by vendors. First, these accessories are compatible only to Windows and that not all versions; and secondly, to turn on the computer every time when it is necessary to go on-line from a prefix, inconveniently. Buy the router better - wire or wireless (if necessary - with the built-in ADSL modem). Configure it so that he automatically distributed the IP addresses under the DHCP protocol. In the wireless router set the password. It is also possible to install on the smartphone connected to the Internet on an unlimited rate, the application for a so-called tetering (distributions of Internet access through WiFi). In this case installation of the password is also necessary.
3. Through the menu transfer a prefix to the mode of automatic receiving the IP address from the router (as to make it, depends on device model). If hardwired connection is used, connect the video game console to the router the cable which is pressed out according to the direct scheme (not the scheme crossover at all). At wireless connection start search of wireless access point and select that from them which corresponds to your router then enter the password.
4. If you use PlayStation 3, start the built-in browser and try to visit any site. On Wii the browser will be required to be downloaded previously. Having made sure that the SD card is installed, start "The channel of purchases", and in it select the Internet channel application. Download it (it free), install and start - it is and there is a browser (on the basis of Opera). In it the Flash technology to the seventh version inclusive is supported that allows to start games of the corresponding format.