The electronic currency was invented for simplification of calculation at implementation of net surfing. Therefore, to earn electronic currency, it is necessary to find a job through the Internet. There are several main directions of this activity.
1. One of the most widespread professions by which you can work through the Internet is a work as the copywriter. By means of such resources as, you can carry out as writing of the text under the customer, and to sell already written works. This service is also remarkable the fact that with its help you can check uniqueness, spelling and also text optimizirovanost degree. In a case if this resource does not suit you, you can look for orders on such services as It is a free bulletin board on which orders for the certain type of works executed remotely are placed.
2. On the website you can also find orders for design, production, or adjustment of the websites. The majority of the orders posted on these websites concern development of Internet resources from image or technical aspect. For this purpose you will need certain knowledge therefore it is worth trying the forces in this type of earnings only in the presence of primary education in this sphere.
3. In the presence of linguistic formation or good knowledge of any language, pay attention to an opportunity to work as the remote translator. The scheme of work is very simple: send you the text, you translate it and send to the customer. After that, after certain time, the reward will be transferred into your account. It should be noted that it is possible to work here in two directions: on the agency and on the customer. During the work for the agency you receive smaller salary, but it is more than guarantees that the reward will be paid. In case of work for the customer your salary will be higher, but at the same time there is a default on obligations probability concerning the salary. Use such websites as and, for search of orders and the companies.