For fans of virtual communication on the Internet there is a set of social networks. Among them a specific place is held by "Schoolmates". Having registered on this website, the user gets access to all its services. Thanks to "Schoolmates", it will be able to find friends, to strike up new acquaintances, to join the various groups and to communicate with their participants.
To become one of participants of social network "Odnoklassniki", also several minutes of free time are necessary to have the computer, the tablet, the mobile phone with Internet access. Registration procedure on the website consists of several simple steps and takes several minutes.
At first you need to visit the homepage of the website. It is possible to make it via any search engine to which you give the preference, or having entered the following combination in an address bar of the browser: Having appeared on the homepage, click the link with the inscription "Register" (it is located more to the left of a form for an input) and fill the offered form, having specified personal data, date of birth, a floor, etc. Then in the graph "Login" enter, using Latin, a name on which you will enter on the website. After that you need to think up one more position without which the input on the website will be simply impossible, it is the password. It is necessary to avoid cases of access to your profile of strangers.
For the login you can use any set of letters, digits and characters. In it we can encrypt the name or a surname, a nickname of a pet. Diversify the login with digits and special characters. It is the best of all "mix" digits with letters. Especially if as the login you use own name or a name of the person close to you.
After that you need to specify the password. It should be the most difficult that strangers could not take him correctly. Therefore use of proper names in the password is just invalid. Try to think up the password not less than 6 signs long, ideally 10-15. Alternate in this account of a letter, digits, characters. Then enter the password once again into an additional window. Also click "Continue".
You executed the main step. Now to secure the account in a case of cracking or blocking of a profile and possibility of further restoring access to the personal page, tie the account to the mobile phone or e-mail. For this purpose it is enough to enter number of the operating phone and the e-mail address in the respective fields.
Phone is also necessary for activation of the account on the website "Schoolmates" after which you will be able to use all resources of social network fully: communicate with users, comment on a photo and video, shares the statuses, comments, etc. After you enter in the respective field number mobile, the code which will need to be entered into a special window will come to your phone. Thereby you confirm registration and activate your account.
If after registration you suddenly forget the password, use the link "Forgot the Password" and further you act according to the recommendations of restoring access. Here also your phone is useful!
And that your page was not visited by other users, tell nobody the credentials. And if you not the only user of the computer, do not use function of autosave of the password.