The game Lineage II is one of the most popular MMORPG not only in native Japan, but also around the world. Very much and there is a lot of quests in a game. One of them consists in gaining access to Pagan templ (Pagan temple), or "Pagan temple". Quest here even not one, their two, and they are interconnected.
1. Both quests are designed for 73+ levels. The first is called "Search of the truth" (on English – Truth Beyond the Gate). It quite simple also gives the chance to pass in the beginning Pagan Templ and to shake in the main and side room of a tower. Teleport to the city of Rune, go to Guild of magicians, talk to Eliyy there. She will send you to Flauron.
2. You leave guild and actually the building where it is located. At once at the output turn on the left, then rise up rather sloping rise. Go forward, yet you will not see Flauron. Having had a talk with him, receive a kvestovy thing – the Sign of the Visitor.
3. You can go to Pagan temple now. You pass by Flauron to whom just talked, turn on the left and several times jump off down, yet you will not see an output and also a red mirror. You enter directly a mirror then run on a tunnel forward, you will not appear at the closed door yet. To the right of it costs NPC – have a talk with it. The door will be opened, and behind it you will meet monsters. The red rose at you in stock of kvestovy objects will be replaced by white. To pass further, it will be necessary to perform one more task.
4. This quest is called Through the Gate Once More. Again talk to Flauron and receive at him a task to kill mob (so call on a game slang of monsters) in the Forest Neupokoyennykh. It is possible to teleport from the Keeper of a gate of Rune Gatekeeper there. By the way, this quest can be taken, only having a white rose in kvestovy stock. That is you will not be able to pass both quests without visit of Pagan temple between them.
5. Kill in the Forest of Neupokoyenny following mob – Animators Cherepov, Animators Kostya and also Bone murderers. Having received 10 Hearts of the Necromancer, come back to Flauron, you speak with him and receive the Sign of the Pagan. With its help you can open the second gate in Pagan Temple now and get to places with the monsters who are leaving behind more "tasty" spoil and tracks.