Traffic is an information stream transferred and received on a communication link. Respectively, payment of the selected traffic is conducted proceeding from the volume of data which was sent or received from the computer.
1. To select the most suitable traffic, in the beginning define the operator with whom further and you will work. Different providers of Internet services have differences in volumes of packages of the provided traffic, there are different bonuses, etc. Besides, it is necessary to learn and about quality of work of Internet communication of the specific operator in the specific place of residence of the user - can happen so that because of a poor signal of communication the stated speed will be significantly lower than real and it will become simply impossible to work on the Internet. It concerns first of all living in the private sector, in the country.
2. After the choice of the operator the choice of directly suitable traffic will be the following step. It is the simplest to receive data on all provided packages on the official site of the company. In detail study all details of providing Internet service, and often important information is written in footnotes and in small print what most of visitors of the website does not pay attention to.
3. Try to assume or count what specific amount of information or at least estimated value range in gigabytes you plan to send or receive from the Internet. Having evaluated the requirements, select from the possible packages offered by the company provider in what total traffic approaches your specific requirements.
4. If precisely it is difficult to determine the necessary volume of transfer and data acquisition in a month, it is better to select traffic with a little large volume from several considered options. It will be a little more expensive, but, first, the cost of 1 gigabyte of data at increase in pre-paid traffic falls considerably, and secondly, when exceeding of the paid monthly volume all information exceeding a limit of the provided package, as a rule, will be for the user significantly more expensive since it is provided already on other rates. Also in many companies there are offers which allow to pay only that number of GB which was really used within a month - the truth, already on less favorable conditions. It is favorable to users who use the Internet not constantly, and from time to time.
5. Anyway, having worked as several months, there is more clear a necessary volume of traffic - and then it is possible to change the used data plan on more suitable.