Blogosphere - one of modern ways of communication and also providing different information to the people interested in it. Some blogs become so popular that the number of their subscribers pulls on the real audience of the TV-channel or radio station. In similar situations sometimes there is a question of its sale.
1. Determine the cost of the blog. For a start soberly evaluate attendance and the number of subscribers. Them it can appear insufficiently to interest the buyer. At blogs with five hundred or several thousand visitors the chances of sale, as well as cost of the possible transaction, strongly differ. If you your blog has large audience, it is diverse and represents solvent active people, then to sell it will not make special work.
2. Contact the websites or forums of sales of blogs. On the Internet very much and there is a lot of such places. They represent trading floors where sellers and buyers meet. You should specify subject of the blog, the number of subscribers and daily visits. Then you need to wait for the standing offers. Try to place the declaration of sale on or Do not forget to register surely before placement of the declaration. It will save you from many problems in the future.
3. Offer the blog for an auction. For example, to the address You should not give the child to the first become interested. Wait for receipt of several offers and organize the auction. So you protect yourself from sale at low price, and it is possible, will increase it. The main thing with participation in an auction - really standing blog with a large number of visitors.
4. Place the declaration of sale on own blog. Such course of actions will reduce costs of time and forces of search of buyers. At enough subscribers and visitors the buyer will not keep itself waiting.