Cheese mozzarella is from Italy, it is a part of popular Italian dishes, goes for preparation of pizza and various baked puddings, salads. Mozzarella is young soft cheese which becomes quickly good for the use. Let's study its structure, properties and contraindications, useful to a human body, to its use and also we learn the recipe of its preparation in house conditions.
Caloric content and structure
For its traditional production lactic bacteria and abomasal enzyme are used. However in production the time uses chloride of calcium and a lipase, and lactic cultures replace with citric acid. The structure and caloric content of this cheese depend on initial material.
In traditional technology when using whole milk in 100 g of mozzarella there are 280–318 kcal, and fat content is 22–24%. When using skim milk the caloric content of such cheese is 141–254 kcal, and fat content — 0–16%. In the fat-free product there will be less cholesterol (18–64 mg), than in traditional (79–89 mg).
Whether you know? The most tasty cheese di bufala campana mozzarella is considered. It is a product from the milk developed by black buffalo cows. Such cheese is done manually. It has a red-green logo and the image of a muzzle of a buffalo cow on packing.
The product made of whole milk and with a caloric content of 300 kcal on 100 g has such nutrition value:
- fats — 22.4 g;
- proteins — 22.2 g;
- carbohydrates — 2.2 g;
- water — 50.01 g;
- ashes — 3.28 g.
Such vitamins are a part:
- B4 — 15.4 mg;
- B2 — 0.283 mg;
- E — 0.19 mg;
- A — 0.179 mg;
- Retinolum — 0.174 mg;
- B5 — 0.141 mg;
- PP — 0.104 mg;
- beta carotene — 0.057 mg;
- B6 — 0.037 mg;
- B1 — 0.03 mg;
- B9 — 7 mkg;
- K — 2.3 mkg;
- B12 — 2.28 mkg;
- D — 0.4 mkg;
- D3 — 0.4 mkg.
- sodium — 627 mg;
- calcium — 505 mg;
- phosphorus — 354 mg;
- potassium — 76 mg;
- magnesium — 20 mg;
- zinc — 2.92 mg;
- iron — 0.44 mg;
- manganese — 0.03 mg;
- selenium — 0.017 mg;
- copper — 0.011 mg.
The structure is presented by 18 amino acids, 10 of which are irreplaceable and also fatty acids (including the Omega-3 and the Omega-6).
Learn in what advantage and harm of goat, Adygei, sausage cheese and tofu cheese.
The fat-free product contains slightly less water-soluble vitamins (A, E, D) and fats (including the Omega fats). But it contains more calcium and phosphorus.
Advantage and harm
Cheese mozzarella is a source of many useful substances which are necessary for normal work of all organism. It provides intake of digestible protein which participates in formation of muscle bulk and power exchange. In 100 g of traditional option of mozzarella there are more than 50% of calcium, necessary for bones, and a lot of phosphorus. It is necessary to consider that the product contains fats therefore its use can negatively affect vessels and promote an increase in weight. It is useful to use it within admissible norms (no more than 70 g during the day are recommended), and for weight loss it is better to choose mozzarella with the small content of fat.
Whether you know? Today in the world there are about 2500 types of cheese, and new recipes of their production appear about an every week. Cheese mozzarella is the most often bought. Such high rating gives it its use in popular recipes of Italian cuisine.
Than cheese mozzarella is useful
Experts consider that dietary food with regular consumption of mozzarella well influences a human body. This cheese has such useful properties:
- prevents osteoporosis, promotes strengthening of bones;
- is prevention of gout;
- promotes fast merging of bones at changes;
- normalizes pressure;
- enhances immunity;
- positively influences nervous system;
- improves sight;
- protects teeth from caries;
- contains antioxidants, is prevention of a breast cancer and intestines;
- helps with fight against migraine;
- well affects appearance (skin, hair, nails);
- is a selenium source (about 30% of standard daily rate in 100 g);
- dilutes blood.
This product perfectly suits diabetics and children from 3 years.
Contraindications and harm
Cheese mozzarella is a natural product which contains many useful substances, but in certain cases its use needs to be limited. So, at a chronic hypertension, puffiness, too high cholesterol, stomach ulcer of a stomach, a glomerulonefrita its quantity in a diet has to be limited. At intolerance of its dairy products it is necessary to exclude from the menu completely.
Whether you know? The real mozzarella usually is on sale in the form of the balls which are stored in a brine or in plastic liquid packages. In food it is necessary to use only fresh cheese mozzarella as the stale product can cause poisoning and indigestion.
How to prepare in house conditions
It is possible to try to make this tasty cheese independently in house conditions.
Video: cheese mozzarella, simple recipes will be necessary For its preparation the following ingredients:
- milk — 2 l;
- citric acid — 3.5 g;
- salt — 1-1.5 tablespoons;
- abomasal enzyme — 2 g (on a knife tip).
Important! Necessary enzyme can be found in veterinary drugstores or to look on the Internet.
For preparation of this product it is necessary to perform the following operations:
- We get milk from the fridge and we pour out it in a pan.
- We mix citric acid from 20–30 ml of water in separate ware before dissolution.
- We put a pan with cold milk on slow fire, we pour in solution with citric acid and well we mix everything.
- We heat to +35 °C, measuring by the thermometer or dripping on a wrist (milk has to be slightly more cool than body temperature).
- While milk is heated, we dissolve in water abomasal enzyme (2 g on 1.5 tablespoons of water). We put aside milk from fire and we add the divorced enzyme, well we mix. The spoon in process of such stirring will be turned heavier and heavier as mix will get denser when folding milk.
- We leave mix under a cover for 5–15 minutes. Milk is during this time displaced completely.
- We warm up our product on slow fire to +40 °C, accurately stirring slowly. If milk turned in one continuous weight, then we cut it on pieces about 2х2 cm in size and also it is stirred carefully slowly.
- We spread the weight which became elastic on the gauze curtailed into several layers and, pressing hands, we squeeze out from it serum. Massú at the same time is pressed down and we knead as dough until it becomes dense and elastic.
- We heat serum in a pan to +85 °C. Such temperature is reached when at the edges of liquid bubbles begin to appear.
- We put on thin rubber gloves and we form balls of our weight.
- We put a ball on a skimmer and we dip it into the warmed serum for 5 seconds. Then we begin to stretch the warmed ball and to put it, we do it in the different directions several times. Again we form a ball and we throw it into water with ice.
- We make the same, doing balls of the remained weight, dipping them into the warmed serum, wringing out liquid and placing in ice water. From 2 l of milk only 3 balls usually turn out.
- We cast 0.5 l of serum in a saucepan of the smaller sizes, we add 1 tablespoon of salt and well we mix.
- We cool hydrochloric solution and we fill in with it our cheese balls. In it they will be stored in the fridge.
It is possible to use such cheese in 2 hours.
Important! The first time mozzarella in house conditions is recommended to try to be made of 1 l of milk which for this recipe should be taken house, the fattest. Instead of it it is possible to use also the pasteurized store milk. Citric acid can be replaced with lemon half juice.
Mozzarella is the soft tasty cheese which is often used in Italian cuisine. In it there are a lot of vitamins and minerals, useful to organism (especially calcium), there is a digestible protein, antioxidants. Persons interested to lose weight should pay attention to the fat-free options of this product. An absolute contraindication to consumption of this cheese is the intolerance of its components.