How to cook pears compote

How to cook pears compote

Pears compote – great drink for satisfying of thirst during a summer time. Besides, it will warm also in the winter, having filled the room with summer aromas and memoirs. Light and nice to the taste, this compote will become the most favourite in your family.

It is required to you

  • At the rate on 1 liter of water:
  • - 10 pears;
  • - 250 grams of sugar;
  • - citric acid on a knife tip;
  • - vanillin;
  • - cinnamon and a carnation (to taste).


1. For preparations compote take firm fruits, with a good thin skin, without dents, cracks and decay. They can be not absolutely mature, but in compote will become fragrant and soft, having given it all freshness and sweet.

2. Sterilize banks over the boiling water or wash them with hot water and send for drying in an oven. Also sterilize iron covers, having taken them 2-3 minutes in the boiling water.

3. Small fruits can be put in banks entirely, and large to cut in half or on quarters. The thin skin at pears in that case isn't cleaned off, so segments will better keep a form and taste.

4. Lay segments of pears in banks so that fruits filled banks approximately on a third. Don't stamp some pear densely not to rumple them, differently in compote they will turn into porridge. The whole pears it is better to put on a bottom banks, and segments - at the edges.

5. Boil water, pour it in banks with pears, cover with covers and let's stand minutes 10-15. Then drain water in a separate pan, boil and again fill in in banks. It is necessary in order that pears gave to syrup the sweet and aroma.

6. After pears settle on a bottom of cans, water should be drained and brought to the boil again, having added to it sugar, to taste – a vanillin pinch. Fans of spiciness of compote can add a pinch of cinnamon and a carnation also. Some hostesses add an orange or lemon dried peel to ready compote. The taste turns out sourish, spicy and perfectly satisfies thirst during a summer heat.

7. Fill in pears, roll up banks covers, put to the warm place on covers, well wrap up. When banks cool down, they can be turned and sent to the storeroom or to the fridge to storage.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
