How to couch oats

How to couch oats

Sprouts – very healthy food. They clean intestines, contain many vitamins and useful minerals. Oat sprouts – the most tasty of all cereals. They sweet on taste; contain vitamins of group B and the largest amount of vegetable proteins among cereal cultures. It is possible to couch oats in several ways. We will consider the most effective and convenient – can option.

It is required to you

  • - oats seeds
  • - bank
  • - pink solution of potassium permanganate
  • - water


1. Clean the bought seeds of oats from excess garbage. Select good seeds. For this purpose fill in oats with water: throw out seeds which emerged. They are "empty".

2. Pour oats seeds into a small can. Fill in them with pink solution of potassium permanganate, stir and leave for 5 minutes. This solution you will process seeds. Drain water from banks and wash seeds several times with clear water.

3. Again fill in oats seeds with a clear water of grains 10 cm higher than level. Close to bank a gauze and fix it by an elastic band. Leave to bank for 12 hours in any place, except a windowsill.

4. In 12 hours drain all water. In order that water was completely drained, put to bank on the inclined plane. Track that seeds didn't close a gauze cover, otherwise they "will choke". Leave to bank in such situation for 1-3 days at a temperature of 22 °, won't sprout seeds yet.

5. In several days (depends on quality of seeds), sprouts will appear. Is them it is necessary until length of a sprout exceeded 5 mm. Eat sprouts in the morning because they have the strong stimulating effect. You store sprouts in the fridge no more day because even they continue to grow in cold.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
