Decided to organize the real cocktail party at home? The plan of a party is thought over, snack and drinks are made, but only one small stroke - worthy decoration of the cocktails made by you isn't enough. The following recommendations will help you with it.
1. Twisted tsitruschtoba to make the twisted citrus, make an incision a thin slice of citrus fruit crosswisely and just twist it, and strengthen on the party of a glass.
2. Spirals from a peel of a tsitrusovykhchtoba to make a spiral of a peel of citrus fruit, use the special machine for removal of a peel, or the most usual knife. Remove a peel from fruit with circular motions.
3. Small knots from a peel to a tsitrusovykhnarezhta a peel on strips and carefully twist them in small knots.
4. Cocktail palochkiet extraordinary useful sticks are necessary for stabbing of pieces of fruit on them and cherries. Both wooden, and plastic cocktail sticks are used. Plastic sticks, unlike wooden, can be reused - they wash and boiled.
5. Glazing / Okaymovka of cocktails "" Margarita"" and other mixed drinks often demand to themselves a glass frame in the form of sugar, salt or other powdery substance glaze. The easiest way make it - to wipe a glass with a piece of citrus fruit, and then to ship edges of a glass in a small bowl with sugar or I will merge. For chocolate cocktails and cocktails on the basis of cream make nut glazing of a rim of a glass. Lower edges of a glass at first in honey, and then in melkoizmelchenny nuts. Also instead of nuts it is possible to use coconut flakes.
6. Maraskinovye вишниЭто widely known way of decoration of cocktails. Maraskinovy cherries can be made from fresh, or tinned cherries. Previously having removed stones, cherries need to be dipped into a thick sweet syrup. Syrup is prepared at the rate of 350 g of sugar on 1 cup of water.
7. OlivkiDl of small cocktails it is possible to use jewelry from black, or green olives.
8. SolominkiSolominki - irreplaceable attribute which is well combined with the majority of cocktails.