How to make nonalcoholic mulled wine
The glass of hot fragrant mulled wine is so appropriate in the cold winter evening. Moreover in good society and in a comfortable situation … However it is always necessary to consider that in the company there can be people who aren't taking alcohol. In this case it is reasonable to take care of preparation of hot nonalcoholic mulled wine. It is easy to make it, it is worth replacing wine with juice only. But it not most important difference. For receiving drink, faultless on taste, it is necessary to connect imagination to process of preparation.
It is required to you
- - grape or apple juice – 3 glasses;
- - a clear water – 0.5 glasses;
- - a zest of lemon and orange – 3 tablespoons;
- - sour apple – 2-3 segments;
- - raisin without stones – 2 tablespoons;
- - spices: ginger, cardamom, a carnation, cinnamon – on a pinch;
- - honey – 1 tsp.
1. Take the glass or enameled pan and pour in it the juice mixed with water. It is possible to use one type of juice or to mix in equal proportions apple and grape juice (on one and a half glasses). Throw segments of sour apple and the washed-out raisin.
2. Put a pan on silent fire. Don't allow juice to begin to boil, heating has to happen slowly, temperature of juice shouldn't be higher +80ºC. Heat juice thus within 15 minutes.
3. Throw into hot juice of spice, add honey and a zest of lemon and orange. Stir slowly and hold future drink on silent fire of 5 more minutes. It is no more by no means, otherwise also the taste will sharply be decolorized.
4. Switch off a plate, cover a pan and let's stand to mulled wine of 15 minutes. You can cover at this stage a pan with a cotton towel or a linen napkin.
5. Prepare glasses, ceramic cups or special glasses for mulled wine. Pour a hot fragrant beverage.
Kefir very well influences intestinal microflora that is very important for health of an organism. This influence is provided by lactic fungi which do kefir of milk. These fungi are streptococci, kefiric sticks, bacteria and yeast improve pathogenic flora, oppress causative agents of gastrointestinal diseases and tuberculosis. It is useful to take kefir at dysbacteriosis for restoration of the immune system, at chronic fatigue and sleep disorders.
If there is no desire or an opportunity to buy kefir in shop, it is possible to do it in house conditions, the main thing is to do kefir correctly.
How to do kefir in house conditions?
Kefir in house conditions can be cooked by several, essentially in different ways:
- Skvashivat kefir by means of a kefiric (Tibetan) mushroom.
- Skvashivat kefir lactic dried cultures like "Narine".
- To independently do kefir of milk by means of kefiric ferment.
The general moment for all three ways is the recommendation to process thermally home-made milk to avoid the probability to ache with salmonellosis and other diseases which cause the bacteria which are contained in a raw milk. Kefir can be made in house conditions from the pasteurized or skim milk. There is the simplest recipe how to do kefir. It is necessary to pour the necessary amount of milk in a pan and to heat on slow fire. As soon as dairy foam begins to rise, the pan needs to be removed from fire and to leave in the cool place. After cooling, milk is poured in glass capacity, add ferment – a small amount of kefir – and closed a cover. On 1 liter of pasteurized milk 6-8 tsps of ferment (daily kefir) undertake. It is better to store the received mix in the warm place because fermentation processes in this case go more intensively, than in cold spots. In a day the acidified milk can be put in the fridge. In several hours, daily kefir is ready. If kefir is made of pasteurized milk, then it is better to use it one-day as depending on a maturity kefir changes the properties. The daily allowance (weak) renders laxative effect on a stomach, and three-day (strong) kefir – fixes.