Pine nuts are vitamin-rich also minerals, they are perfectly acquired in an organism and have very soft medical influence. Make the curative tinctures curing various diseases of their kernels.
It is required to you
- - pine nuts;
- - alcohol or vodka;
- - dark bottle or bank.
1. Use pine nuts together with a shell for preparations tinctures. Take raw materials half a kilo, place in bank or a bottle, fill in it to top with alcohol or vodka, leave for two weeks in the dark place. After this term split one nutlet and check whether the kernel was dissolved. If yes – that your curative infusion is ready.
2. Make the same way the pounded pine nuts tincture (together with a shell). Fill in them with vodka so that it covered raw materials on five centimeters. Insist about a week, after that filter and pour the received fresh tincture in clean ware. It is possible to take this drink at arthrosis, rheumatism, violation of a salt metabolism, diseases of a stomach and liver. The recommended dosage: on 20 drops – 4-5 times a day. Application of tincture from kernels and a shell of pine nuts is very useful and effective at gynecologic diseases and hemorrhoids.
3. Make tincture of the cleaned kernels of pine nuts. For this purpose take 30 grams of fresh kernels, put them in a clean glass jar or a bottle, fill in with vodka halfliter. Put to infuse to the dark place for one or one and a half months, periodically stir up. Take tincture after consultation with the doctor, from 5 to 25 drops depending on the recommended dose at problems with the immune system, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.
4. Make tincture of a shell of pine nuts. Take a half-liter clean can, fill it with a shell, up to the top fill in 96% with alcohol. Insist in the dark place within three weeks. After that filter tincture, pour in ware from dark glass. Medical drink is ready. Also, tincture from a shell of pine nuts can be applied to grindings at diseases of joints and a backbone: arthritises, osteoporosis, arthroses, osteochondroses, etc.