How to make the beet stuffed with horse-radish

How to make the beet stuffed with horse-radish

Beet – vegetable, very useful to a human body. Thanks to the properties, it turns any dish into digestible and very nutritive. I suggest to please myself not really difficult in preparation and the dish having a small amount of calories.

It is required to you

  • - 3 beets, large size;
  • - 5 roots of horse-radish;
  • - 4 leaves of salad;
  • - 3 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • - 1 tablespoon of a cucumber brine;
  • - 1 tea spoon of sugar;
  • - 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.


1. Carefully wash a baking plate with flowing water horse-radish roots, clean and grate them.

2. Add granulated sugar, salt, olive oil and a half of lemon juice to the received weight. All ingredients accurately mix.

3. Wash beet, boil until ready, then cool to room temperature and peel. Very accurately cut off the top part at beet and do in the rest deepening by means of a spoon.

4. Fill the turned-out deepenings with weight from mix of horse-radish and spices and slightly sprinkle the prepared cucumber brine.

5. Lettuce leaves carefully wash out in water, sprinkle juice of a lemon and accurately spread on a flat plate.

6. The beet filled with horse-radish is spread on lettuce leaves and put for twenty five minutes in the fridge. When giving on a table it is possible to decorate a dish with walnuts.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
