Why germs of cucumbers turn yellow

Why germs of cucumbers turn yellow

It can grow up rather abundant harvest of cucumbers even to the beginning gardener, cucumbers - culture not really whimsical, does not require attention much. However if to violate some conditions of cultivation, then it can affect negatively fruits, for example, they can begin to turn yellow.

Why germs of cucumbers in the greenhouse turn yellow

In most cases germs of cucumbers in the greenhouse because of violation of the thermal mode when ambient temperature either too low, or too high begin to turn yellow. If cucumbers are grown up in the open ground, then yellowing happens just because of low temperature, at cultivation of culture in the greenhouse - because of high. It should be noted that cucumbers - culture thermophilic, its ovaries can turn yellow and fall down at temperature below 15 degrees of heat (at long stay in such conditions), in order to avoid similar illness it is necessary to use the best efforts that temperature did not fall below the specified mark and did not fluctuate in night and day time more, than by 10 degrees.

Yellowing and falling off of ovaries of hothouse cucumbers - too often met illness. The fact is that at temperature over 32 degrees pollen loses the former activity, flowers just are not pollinated. Is one more reason of neodusting of flowers in the greenhouse incorrectly picked up plant varieties. The fact is that bees to greenhouses fly extremely seldom therefore for cultivation of plants preference should be given in similar designs to the self-pollinated hybrids.

Harmful on development of ovaries also the wrong watering can affect. Use for watering of excessively cold water can provoke development in cucumbers only of ""male colors"", female ovaries will just fall down. Important and time of watering, for example, in cool days is undesirable to lead him by mornings and evenings, optimum time - day, to hot and solar, on the contrary, watering will negatively affect development of plants in the afternoon, in this case watering has to be surely carried out either till nine in the morning, or after 18 in the evening.

Ovaries on cucumbers and because of the shortage of microelements can turn yellow. Most often gardeners for fertilizing use nitrogen and potash fertilizers, thinking that it is enough for normal cultural development. However it not so. The absence in the soil of enough pine forest, zinc, copper and other will inevitably lead to yellowing, and further and to falling off of ovaries.

Bacteriosis - disease which quite often attacks cucumbers and at this disease the germs of culture turn yellow. The disease as follows is shown: on ovaries small yellowish sores develop, later short period of time the germs rot and fall down.

Why germs of cucumbers in the greenhouse turn yellow and what to do

First of all it is necessary to find out the reason for which ovaries turn yellow then to eliminate it. If sulling happens because of violation of the thermal mode, then it needs to be adjusted: at cultivation of cucumbers in the open ground for the night to cover culture with special materials, at cultivation in the greenhouse - for the night to close window leaves and doors of design, and in the days not to forget it to air.

If in the greenhouse cucumbers of not self-pollinated grade are planted, then in this case it is necessary will take care of attraction of bees in hotbed or to promote pollination of female ovaries. The easiest way is to pick several men's flowers and to rub accurately them women's.

If the reason of yellowing of germs - the wrong watering, then is required to adjust it: to water plants daily, and warm water and only at the roots. If weather cool, and the soil in the greenhouse damp, then it is desirable to reduce the mode of watering.

At the shortage of microelements as it is not difficult to guess, it is necessary to feed up plants. For fertilizing it is possible to use both purchased complex fertilizers, and self-made on the basis of weeds and ashes. 

If cucumbers were struck by bacteriosis, then Kvadris, ""Topaz"", Alyett, etc. is enough to process culture or 1% the Bordeaux liquid, or any other fungicide, for example. And to prevent this disease, before landing it is necessary to carry out package of measures against fungal infections.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
