How to pass to healthy nutrition without stress

How to pass to healthy nutrition without stress

For transition to healthy nutrition main is to observe gradualness. Any attempts "since Monday on a diet" come to an end with a failure only because they are too radical. Try to agree with the organism gradually, and transition to healthy nutrition won't seem you such improbable task.

1. The main thing is evil. For a start it is necessary to define the most pernicious addictions. Do you love sweet or fast food? Got used to chips or sweet carbonated drinks? We begin to eradicate the main addiction. This step the most difficult, and has to be carried out gradually. At the same time "harm" shouldn't be thrown on others. Stop consumption of sweet after 5 p.m. Reduce fast food to one visit a week. Replace chips with popcorn or croutons, sparkling water – juice. You change nothing radical, but it will be an essential step on the way to healthy nutrition.

2. You want to eat – drink. The next stage on the way to healthy nutrition – normalization of a water balance. Consumption of 2 pure liters a day will become your purpose at the second step. Drink a glass of clear water in 30 min. prior to each meal, drink during the day. If before you didn't consider it necessary to use regularly a clear water, you can be sure – the result will pleasantly surprise you.

3. Get enough sleep. Yes, be not surprised. The dream for 7-8 hours will save you from need of continuous "recharge" by something sweet. And the health considerably will improve, and you will work more effective.

4. Look for substitutes. To eradicate love for sweeties not easy, but it is possible to choose more useful products always. If to add not sugar, but honey to porridges and tea, then a bonus to sweet you receive the whole set of useful elements. To tea it is possible to buy halvah or gozinaki – they cheaper, and the condition of skin will improve. If you love salty products and various flavor enhancers – too it doesn't matter. Try to add to dishes of a home cooking natural spices – pepper, herbs, garlic. You will be able to find a set of harmless spices with natural structure (without flavor enhancers) both in the markets, and in shops.

5. Simplify dishes. Remember that in a combination the caloric content of products considerably increases. Even the habitual vegetable salad can conceal in itself the evil in a type of mayonnaise. Always it should be taken into account all additives in ready-to-eat meals. It will be much better if you eat just cut vegetables or second course without sauces.

Certainly, it were only some councils for transition to healthy nutrition, but they are the reliable base for formation of healthy food and a way of life.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
